Carla · @carlyD
110 followers · 358 posts · Server

They escaped just in time. Carried within them damage of exposure to the Em field from plasma. But they also had the knowledge and the meta materials to reverse the chaos of their civilization. New world, new life, new .

#vsspic #vss365 #scifisat #hope

Last updated 2 years ago

Stur Poet · @sturpoet
56 followers · 328 posts · Server


He'd spent hours in that phone booth, her voice pressed to his ear, her face in her window across the street. Quarters dripped like . Decades later, he was out of quarters and her words were just a dial tone. He could move on. In .


#Gold #theory #vss365 #satsplat #scifansat #vsspic

Last updated 2 years ago

Stur Poet · @sturpoet
56 followers · 328 posts · Server

Years of gifting had taken their toll. He couldn't even be fagged to put the whole costume on this year.

Now, he sat glumly sipping his milk plus vellocet while choking down the last few crumbs of his 'special' cookie. Anything to make the schlep ahead more tolerable.


Last updated 2 years ago

Stur Poet · @sturpoet
52 followers · 317 posts · Server


"I'm not Santa, kid-"
"But you're wearing the hat and you have milk and cookies-"
"So? I'm not Santa. I just play him on TV."
"Yeah, kid. I just do milk commercials."
"That sounds like something the real Santa would say! You are him, aren't you?"



Last updated 2 years ago

Stur Poet · @sturpoet
46 followers · 170 posts · Server

'Help! Call mum!'

Hayut left the phone box. Now beyond the Controlled Zone, Waterson would be tracking his every move using the Plug In Baby.

Only Christ could save him now. 502m from home might as will be 502 miles.

A van, reg VN21 CUC, rolled up beside him.



Last updated 2 years ago

Stur Poet · @sturpoet
37 followers · 85 posts · Server

Pandora had, at last, sealed all the world's evils within her dizzyingly large collection of boxes. The darker the box, the angrier the sin it contained.

It was time to finally put Hope away. Pandora grimaced as she
locked Hope within her blood-red box.

Fade to black.


Last updated 2 years ago

Stur Poet · @sturpoet
21 followers · 20 posts · Server

So engrossed was he by 𝐴 𝑆𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟 𝐷𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑙𝑦 that he didn't notice the subtle shift in the air. Or the gently pulsing pink light, which bathed his window seat. It played lightly on his subconscious, as a fly might, if it were to momentarily alight upon your wrist


Last updated 2 years ago