A yellow dog
no, an apparition
a shape then
a memory
a ragged #shoreline
a prairie autumn
wind warning what
was promised
a reminder unneeded—
Across the lake
the moon tips
sundown’s purpling
commands awe with deference
I step out of my shoes
draw my collar high
lean into this howl
of dread
and then there are times
(touch, taste, grab and kiss, worship)
a deeper ending
sought where we both occupy
the same space-time explosion
#Poetry #Writing #MastoPrompt #vssPoem Thanks @worded_art for the prompt - simultaneous.
#vsspoem #MastoPrompt #writing #poetry
grey suits
grey towns
grey skins
black hearts
the last
#cop #cop24 #climateCrisis #despair
#poem #poetry #micropoetry #poetrycommunity
#wrdz #bonsaiku #poetrycommunity #micropoetry #poetry #poem #despair #climatecrisis #cop24 #cop #vsspoem
If tomorrow was today
I would have missed
a chance to linger
You would have passed
a shadow among many
a rustle of leaves
a whistle between tall trees
Sundown is still hours away
we have what time remains
Two horses graze in the field
bored by repetitious feeding
Let’s leap the fence
streak the hardly distant
spontaneous simultaneous
escape and fly🪶
road drilling
pneumatic hammer
generator growl
agony at first
i tune it out
move through
the day
slightly hunched
as if the ceiling
has dropped
and grown
then the chasm
when noise stops
and i plummet
into peace
and quiet
agony at first
but alowly
i unfurl
#Poetry #Writing #MastoPrompt #vssPoem Thanks @worded_art for the prompt - worry.
#vsspoem #MastoPrompt #writing #poetry
i want that moment
your eyes go wide, your breath stalls
i want the one where
you're alone, undiluted
free from outside influence
#Poetry #Writing #MastoPrompt #vssPoem Thanks @worded_art for the prompt - elicit.
#vsspoem #MastoPrompt #writing #poetry
the gaze seeks asylum
then flees again to betweens
the legitimacy of edges
as required by those who buy boasts
and investments
(fire doesn't recognise edges
nor does light, nor do the viruses surfing
cough droplets)
my attention floats
aware of levels and depths
of boundaries intermeshed
and within the frame, perhaps
someone's attempt, however slight
to step outside for a clean breath
#Poetry #Writing #MastoPrompt #vssPoem Thanks @worded_art for the prompt - frame.
#vsspoem #MastoPrompt #writing #poetry
today I saw a squirrel pause
beside a city road
to check for traffic
quickly I checked the news
but no : our leaders still don't care
about pandemics
that rodent, then
must have been a visitor
from some scifi stream
where foresight
won the secret war between
love and economics
#sciFiFri #TrueStory #squirrels #economics #pandemic #poem #poetry #poetrycommunity #vsspoem #vss365 #smallPoems #scifi
#wrdz #scifi #smallpoems #vss365 #vsspoem #poetrycommunity #poetry #poem #pandemic #economics #squirrels #truestory #scififri
sequence of still shots,
moving as one through a frame.
humid, airless breath.
#MastoPrompt #vsspoem #haiku #poetry #smallpoems
sequence of still shots,
moving as one through a frame.
humid, airless breath.
#MastoPrompt #vsspoem #haiku #poetry
this artistic swirl
across an ancient lake bed
each SUV
a stylish badge of freedom
smells like dead planet
#tankaThursday - late 😢
#poem #poetry #haiku #senryu #bonsaiku #bigOil #suv #BurningMan #vsspoem #vss365 #wrdz
#wrdz #vss365 #vsspoem #burningman #suv #bigoil #bonsaiku #senryu #haiku #poetry #poem #tankathursday
follow the moonbeams
stepping-stone stars - meet me there
in her gentle curve
distance made irrelevant
by skin's raw hunger for skin
#Poetry #Writing #MastoPrompt #vssPoem Thanks @worded_art for the prompt - shortcut.
#vsspoem #MastoPrompt #writing #poetry
September dusk
pepperoni clouds curl up
at the oven's edge
#poem #poetry #haiku #bonsaiku
#poetrycommunity #imagism #vsspoem #vss365 #MicroPoetry
#micropoetry #vss365 #vsspoem #wrdz #imagism #poetrycommunity #bonsaiku #haiku #poetry #poem
the profiteering circus
clowns kick soiled
sawdust in our faces
and let their bile
trickle down
from their banquets
follow the money
there's no way
to amass it clean
in the quantities
they lust after
dumbly hard and wet
for extraction
that burns or floods
or bankrupts
the less dangerously
avaricious from the earth
weaponising crisis
for ethnic cleansing
#Poetry #Writing #MastoPrompt #vssPoem Thanks @worded_art for the prompt - crisis.
#vsspoem #MastoPrompt #writing #poetry
there's nothing so lovely
in a long working day
as when someone forgets
to mute their laptop
and the room sound
and the laptop sound
breed and glow and glitch
and howl so eloquently
so beautifully
so rich with meaning
and information
and raw energy
(unlike the meeting)
everyone panics
covers their ears
but i want to hear
that music build
and scream forever
#Poetry #Writing #MastoPrompt #vssPoem Thanks @worded_art for the prompt - feedback.
#vsspoem #MastoPrompt #writing #poetry
ambient poems
chimes and dripping rainforests
saying nothing
my silent screams
#poem #poetry #haiku #bonsaiku #smallpoems
#vsspoem #poetrycommunity
#wrdz #poetrycommunity #vsspoem #smallpoems #bonsaiku #haiku #poetry #poem
soft fog on the loch makes the world feel buried in damp smoke knit from slow grey water's agoraphobia
prove we're the same species, prove we have something, anything, in common in this gravel rain
efforts were made to forgive
cold eyes, lips
imposter, i skate your dream edges, graceful but unfulfilling
(even the gulls sound false)
sever our ties, love, hurl me back into her eager salt-kissed arms, where i might sleep cold forever
#Poetry #Writing #vssPoem Thanks @worded_art - species.