Looks like the #Pathfinder game is pushed back another couple of weeks but it does give me time to work on more prep for my #VampireTheRequiem #VTR campaign.
#pathfinder #vampiretherequiem #vtr
“I don’t know who to trust.
Don’t let me do my worst”
Currently I'm running a #MasksTheNewGeneration (#Masks) trade/campaign, a #Pathfinder module/campaign, and I'm working hard to get myself ready to do a #VampireTheRequiem (#VtR) chronicle. Plus I've got a #FengShui campaign in my back pocket for quick games.
It's a heck of a responsibility, but I do love being able to entertain my friends. I must be doing something right to be blessed with so many players willing to listen to my nonsense.
I love getting to share my creativity with everyone!
#masksthenewgeneration #masks #pathfinder #vampiretherequiem #vtr #fengshui
Starting to read through the City of the Damned: New Orleans book for my #VampireTheRequiem chronicle. I really hope I can get that off the ground soon.
I've got so many players, I'm probably going to try and split them up into different sessions and let them filter back and forth. Otherwise, I'll have 7-8 players at a time, and that can be a bit much for some of my players.
#vampiretherequiem #vampire #onyxpath #vtr #cod #chroniclesofdarkness
Hey #VampireTheRequiem #StoryTellers, have any of you run #ReapTheWhirlwind to start a campaign? I just finished reading up on the New Orleans section of the core book and plan to run my campaign there.
#vampiretherequiem #storytellers #reapthewhirlwind #vtr
Just noticed that DriveThruRPG's Deal of the Day is Damnation City for #VampiretheRequiem !
DCITY, as we called it in development, is the single most useful book on urban stories for *any* version of the franchise. Whether you're playing #VtR, #V20, #V5, or whatever -- it's got atmospheric districts and locations, NPCs with personalities, problems, and story hooks, and deep guidance on playing urban horror.
It's also a great book for any other #WoD or adjacent setting.
#VampiretheRequiem #vtr #v20 #V5 #wod
For #dungeon23 I'm thinking I'll make a modern city instead 🤔
I'm skimming through Damnation City (#VtR 1e) and Block by Bloody Block (#HtV 1e) for inspiration and I have some ideas 👍
First, I'll probably make this as a setting for #Scion2e, although it does work better as a World-spanning game. So it'll be a challenge
Second, each month will focus on a single Borough, which may encompass one or more Districts, and each day I'll focus on one element (location, group, POI, etc.)
#dungeon23 #vtr #htv #scion2e #ttrpg
muy confiable todo, saben muy bien lo que hacen #vtr @VTRsoporte@twitter.com @VTRChile@twitter.com