#retrocomputing Some Digital Equipment Corporation (#DEC) terminal history...
This first part oddly enough arriving via an iOS development newsletter, Dave Verwer's iOS Dev Weekly...
Here is a TrueType font simulating the DEC #VT220 font:
For those further interested in this old fonts topic, there's a copy of the actual DEC VT terminal fonts extracted from the DEC VT terminal firmware embedded in the #VTstar terminal emulator package.
VTstar was a port of the DEC VT terminal firmware to a (now ancient) version of #Microsoft #Windows and built as a terminal emulator.
It is for this reason a quite accurate emulation of a DEC VT terminal.
There's a copy of VTstar (alas, binary only) included on the #OpenVMS Freeware from many years ago:
#retrocomputing #dec #vt220 #vtstar #microsoft #windows #openvms