Regarding #simplicity 👆
Have a look at #ArkUI
It is a "fully customizable, #accessible and #unstyled #UI component [framework]".
No #Bootstrap. No #Bloat. Just use your own #CSS. Love it! ❤️
I've just used their Select component and it works so intuitively!
They have a guide on how to style their components (there are multiple ways):
#simplicity #arkui #accessible #unstyled #UI #bootstrap #bloat #CSS #webdev #webDevelopment #vue #React #solid #a11y
✊ #Vue tiene Nuxt.js, #React tiene Next.js. ¿Y Angular?
🛡️ Angular tiene Analog:
Orson update
Orson was developed as part of my PhD research, and now that I am just working on some Minor Corrections to my thesis, it is no longer a funded project.
That fact, together with a recent trip to the Outer Hebrides has meant that the development rate has been slower of late. I will be starting a new job very soon too, so updates will continue to be less frequent.
However. I will continue to work on it, and treat is as a long-term project, not least because I use it daily myself, but also because it hasn't yet achieved its potential with regards to my research interests. So expect more updates in future!
Most recently I have done considerable work in updating the Orson code base from Vue2 to Vue3 (not published yet) and in getting rid of a lot of duplicated code at the same time.
As Orson is an open-source project I encourage others to get involved, particularly because of the new limits on my time. One of my goals is to improve the plugin system, in order to encourage plugin authorship by contributors.
#orson #research #notebook #documentation #digitalhumanities #knowledge #vue #javascript #opensource #software
Just 4 days remain with the TechBash 2023 discount. Register today to save $75. Learn more about this by visiting
#techbash #dotnetconf #dotnetconference #jsconf #jsconference #conferences #conference #java #dotnet #angular #react #vuejs #vue #devops
#techbash #dotnetconf #dotnetconference #jsconf #jsconference #conferences #conference #java #dotnet #angular #react #vuejs #vue #devops
Ich bin zwar noch bis November ausgebucht, aber wie man so schön sagt: Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm, also falls jemand für Nov/Dez/Januar ein Projekt in der Pipeline hat und #PHP #Laravel #Svelte #JavaScript #Vue #Livewire Unterstützung braucht, bitte Bescheid sagen!
#php #laravel #svelte #javascript #vue #livewire #freelance #projektsuche #jobs
vueday | 10 November 2023 | Verona (
⌛ Today is the last day to submit your talk proposal:
#CFP is closing tonight!
Looking forward to meeting you in 📍 Verona on 📅 10.11.23
@grusp #vueday #vue #vuejs #nuxtjs #vuex #vuejsdeveloper #javascript #js #vuedev
#cfp #vueday #vue #vuejs #nuxtjs #vuex #vuejsdeveloper #javascript #js #vuedev
I just saw v-cloak for the first time in an app.
Alright #Vue people. I am reviewing a PR that makes a component that is essentially a wrapper for `ul` where the content of the `ul` is a single `slot`. The implementer of this component then loops some data and renders a different component that is just a wrapper for an `li` tag. Neither component does any logic and only applies styles. This seems very dumb. Thoughts?
Nuxt Performance Series' Articles
#webperf #Performance #nuxt #vue
Things you forgot (or never knew) because of #React #javascript #svelte #vue What he said! @collinsworth
#react #javascript #svelte #vue
The #vue elements in my demo app I'm making have been reduced to live form validation. Poor little vue app. Don't worry, when this class is done, I'll make a vue app for you. I promise.
#vue #programming #Technology #javascript #node - familiar with #Vue's #VueX? Here's an intro to #Pinia. Great tutorial
#モロヘイヤ #mulukhiya_toot_proxy #Vue #Vue_js
#モロヘイヤ #mulukhiya_toot_proxy #vue #Vue_js
Release Radar · July 2023 Edition
Check it out! 👇
#Vue.js #Typescript #Rust #Node.js #Kubernetes #Homebrew #OpenSource #Community
#vue #typescript #rust #node #kubernetes #homebrew #opensource #community
⏮️ Watch David as he makes an XState V5 cheatsheet for our docs. Featuring plenty of examples and some extra time on Vue compatibility…
Never wrote one before, so here's an #introduction:
I‘m Stefan. I call my self a Full Stack Developer and have been writing code for the last 15 years. Mostly #PHP with #Laravel. Sometimes #vue or #svelte.
Love writing open source packages that solve a particular problem well. I also write long blog posts about how I use certain software on
When not glued to the desk, I'm enjoying nature, in the gym or in my kitchen cooking or baking for friends and family.
#introduction #php #laravel #vue #svelte