Future Impacts Of Climate-Induced Compound Disasters On Volcano Hazard Assessment
https://doi.org/10.1007/s00445-022-01542-y <-- shared paper
[Understanding how volcano activity may change over time is particularly important as climate change continues to have direct and indirect effects on how volcanoes behave.]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #climatechange #change #management #future #events #planning #monitoring #engineeringgeology #riskhazard #risk #hazard #geologichazards #naturalhazards #spatialanalysis #volcano #vulcanism #volcanichazard #naturaldisaster #model #modeling #mitigation #planning #preparedness #cpmpoundhazards #socialscience #humanimpact #impacts #economics #publicsafety
#gis #spatial #mapping #climatechange #change #management #future #events #planning #monitoring #engineeringgeology #riskhazard #risk #hazard #geologichazards #NaturalHazards #spatialanalysis #volcano #vulcanism #volcanichazard #naturalDisaster #model #modeling #mitigation #preparedness #cpmpoundhazards #socialscience #humanimpact #impacts #economics #publicsafety
Post-Subduction Tectonics Induced By Extension From A Lithospheric Drip
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-023-01201-7 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #formation #mechanical #data #geology #structuralgeology #platetectonics #subduction #tectonics #lithosphere #model #modeling #Borneo #magmatism #topography #uplift #Malysia #spatialanalysis #remotesensing #seismology #seismic #geophysics #gravity #gravational #volcanic #vulcanism #arc #simulation #simulations #crust #mantle #continent #orogeny
#gis #spatial #mapping #formation #mechanical #data #geology #structuralgeology #platetectonics #subduction #tectonics #lithosphere #model #modeling #borneo #magmatism #topography #uplift #malysia #spatialanalysis #remotesensing #seismology #seismic #geophysics #gravity #gravational #volcanic #vulcanism #arc #simulation #simulations #crust #mantle #continent #orogeny
13 Volcanoes Seen From Space
https://youtu.be/dNz5J2hpuMU <-- shared video
“Have you ever wondered what a volcano looks like from space? [ESA is] counting down [their] picks of the most impressive volcanoes around the world – captured by satellites. [Their] countdown includes Mount Fuji, Mount Mayon and Mount Vesuvius…”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #earthobservation #geology #global #video #volcanoes #vulcanism #space #ESA #satellites
#gis #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #earthobservation #geology #global #Video #volcanoes #vulcanism #space #Esa #satellites
Scientists May Have Solved The Mystery Of How The Andes Got So Big
https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-may-have-solved-the-mystery-of-how-the-andes-got-so-big <-- shared article
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118009 <-- shared paper
[although my postgrad was in geology and I am licensed in the field, it has been a number of years since I worked directly in a geologic discipline; that said, I very much like to try and keep up with ‘things geology’…]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #geology #southamerica #data #modeling #model #mathematics #mathematicalmodeling #structuralgeology #andes #chile #peru #platetectonics #tectonics #tectonic #movement #mountain #mountainbuilding #remotsensing #geologists #orogeny #vulcanism #pointers #APM #RPM
#gis #spatial #mapping #geology #SouthAmerica #data #modeling #model #mathematics #mathematicalmodeling #structuralgeology #andes #chile #Peru #platetectonics #tectonics #tectonic #movement #mountain #mountainbuilding #remotsensing #geologists #orogeny #vulcanism #pointers #apm #rpm
New Interactive Mosaic Uses NASA Imagery To Show Mars In Vivid Detail
https://murray-lab.caltech.edu/CTX/V01/SceneView/MurrayLabCTXmosaic.html <-- The Global CTX Mosaic of Mars online interactive map
https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/new-interactive-mosaic-uses-nasa-imagery-to-show-mars-in-vivid-detail <-- JPL press release
[since I am on a spatial Mars ‘kick’…]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Mars #remotesensing #water #science #highresolution #RedPlanet #spaceprobe #survey #map #topography #modeling #compsite #elevation #opendata #openaccess #ReconnaissanceOrbiter #MRO #ContextCamera #CTX #HiRISE #MARCI #GlobalSurveyor #global #image #interactive #online #map #water #fluvial #hydrology #geologic #tectonics #vulcanism #geomorphology #visualization #visualisation
#CalTech #JPL #NASA
#gis #spatial #mapping #Mars #remotesensing #water #science #highresolution #redplanet #spaceprobe #survey #map #topography #modeling #compsite #elevation #opendata #openaccess #reconnaissanceorbiter #mro #contextcamera #ctx #hirise #marci #globalsurveyor #global #image #interactive #online #fluvial #hydrology #geologic #tectonics #vulcanism #geomorphology #visualization #visualisation #caltech #JPL #NASA
The Eye Of The Sahara - A Geological Mystery Staring Into Space
https://www.iflscience.com/the-eye-of-the-sahara-a-geological-mystery-staring-into-space-67179 <-- shared article
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2014.04.006 <-- shared paper
https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-021-08734-4 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #satellite #Landsat #imagery #gischat #EyeOfTheSahara #vulcanism #intrusion #geology #Africa #RichatStructure #research #mauritania #structuralgeology #anticline #folding #sedimentary #igneous #formation #megabreccia #geologicalheritagesites
#gis #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #satellite #landsat #imagery #gischat #eyeofthesahara #vulcanism #intrusion #geology #africa #richatstructure #research #Mauritania #structuralgeology #anticline #folding #sedimentary #igneous #formation #megabreccia #geologicalheritagesites
A Martian Mons Mystery, (Paleo) Climate Change, And Rivers Of Lava - What Three New USGS Maps Reveal About Mars
https://www.usgs.gov/special-topics/planetary-geologic-mapping/news/a-martian-mons-mystery-paleo-climate-change-and <-- USGD overview
https://usgs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=1e3decd17b8840a39fb8c31fa27bf390 <-- interactive map of Olympus Mons Caldera
https://usgs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=8d18548ceb39459d94e397097a894f12 interactive map of Aeolis Dorsa
https://usgs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=fb47fbdfb61044c5a114609ed78a78b1 <-- interactive map of Athabasca Valles
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Mars #geology #geologic #extraterrestrial #planetaryscience #planetary #science #volcano #vulcanism #remotesensing #OlympusMons #caldera #AeolisDorsa #AthabascaValles #webmap #webmapping #USGS #USGSVolcanoes
#gis #spatial #mapping #Mars #geology #geologic #Extraterrestrial #planetaryscience #planetary #science #volcano #vulcanism #remotesensing #olympusmons #caldera #aeolisdorsa #athabascavalles #webmap #webmapping #usgs #usgsvolcanoes
January 6, 2023—Kīlauea Summit Eruption Reference Map [Hawaii]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Kīlauea #Kilauea #hawaii #volcano #eruption #summit #geologic #map #remotesensing #lava #flow #lavaflow #lavalake #vents #vulcanism #monitoring #monitoringandevaluation #Halemaumau #citizenscience #appliedscience #USGS #USGSVolcanoes
@USGS @USGSVolcanoes
#gis #spatial #mapping #kilauea #hawaii #volcano #eruption #summit #geologic #map #remotesensing #lava #flow #lavaflow #lavalake #vents #vulcanism #monitoring #monitoringandevaluation #halemaumau #citizenscience #appliedscience #usgs #usgsvolcanoes
I am dying to know more about these things, I will literally sit and listen to you for ages at a time, please talk to me about:
#geology and #vulcanism,
vintage appliance and car #repair,
#darkAcademia decor,
#weather and #maps,
#medieval #marginalia,
#astronomy and #space
#Space #Astronomy #marginalia #medieval #Maps #Weather #darkacademia #repair #vulcanism #geology