Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

So updates on my games..
is still true chaotic, and is rapidly becoming a master of the elements, and is a fragment of a demigod of nature. oops.

is ready for his first game tonight after much buildup.

and have been retired. - one of my prerolls - saw 1 session before the group fell apart :( Div wiz with Nat20 and Nat1 on portent D:

#Seline #saria #vullyn #GodlikeORE #Magnus #dnd5e #aavia

Last updated 4 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

and co went pearl diving today, we found a butt-ton of killer fish and a mimic-boat. Our bard got 2 shot, and in the highlight of her game so far, Vul'lyn smashed a Sahuagin over the head with the shield of a recently deceased Kuo-toa attached to her fist.

Vul'lyn the War Cleric scored a Critical and fatal hit, hitting someone with the wrong side of a shield. I missed every other attack, but Spiritual Weapon landed a crit too.

I'm happy to call this a good session ^_^

#vullyn #5e #ebberon

Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

According to my group, Silence is not a good spell to use against wizards as it will largley disable our warlock and bard... despite it being able to disable the wizard and logistical capability of our enemies as we have a system on nonverbal communication set up.

The characters loyalty to the captain and crew has already been challenged, and now we're going into combat against a wanted pirate with no plan...

I think it's time for to swim away

#eberron #vullyn

Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

Once again, was taken down by a one-hit-wonder. 22 points of damage to my level 2, 15hp cleric.
"easy encounter".
Meanwhile, in the hard encounter, we steamrolled it taking no damage 😆

I'm genuinely realising just how hard it is to play a low wisdom cleric. Turn Undead is pants, and Sacred Flame will never hit. I'm relying on brute force and strictly on supporting spells. I need to get my mind from combat-caster to combat-medic.

#vullyn #eberron #5e

Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

actually did pretty well in yesterdays session. Managed to land a hit that made the entire party go "owwwch..." - got a not-shrine setup to keep some nosey sods away from the secret passages...

That it looks like it's set for a god of disease and death should work...

The party don't seem happy that Vul'lyn has decided to set up a shrine to The Wrathful as soon as she's able though... not like they're getting sacrificed to it... just the trespassers will be.

#vullyn #dnd

Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

Todays session has been cancelled due to DM illness. Given I'm on some epic painkillers, and had a 2in1 asthma and panic attack earlier... I would've had to drop anyway I think. Yes. I'm sticking with it... Partly because is the hard-mode cleric and I want to see if I can make her pretty untouchable and vicious in combat. Going to be hard given the feats only rule meaning I'm pretty much stuck at WIS12 but eh, shield master is a thing and I might branch out into flail mastery

#eberron #vullyn

Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

3 times 1 session.

Anyone know what the record is?

#deathcount #vullyn

Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

has now been dropped twice, from full health, in 1 session. AC18 with 9 HP at Level 1, dropped 4 times... in 5 sessions... and counting.


Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

Genuinely not enjoying . has been dropped in every single session by damage from magical origins or some amazingly good dm rolls to get past her stupidly high AC.

Might be time to drop this one I think.

#eberron #vullyn

Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

Due to a DM error, was [almost] TPK'd.

Anyone familiar with Eberron, our DM combined Ned with the smugglers and my heavily weakened from previous encounters AC20 cleric was taken down in a single hit from a +4 attack. I'm more annoyed at the plot armour he gave us than the maybe-tpk, someone else was incredibly pissed off at the stupid hard encounter too...

ah well. She lives to sacrifice another day. Shame she's now in PoW mode.


Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

So my war clerics first outing... locked in combat without her armour or weapons because fuck wearing heavy armour and weapons when you're on a damn boat...

She lived, and didn't get hit. She didn't land a single hit either to be fair but still...

#vullyn #eberron

Last updated 5 years ago

Xenni / Flea · @Xenni
19 followers · 202 posts · Server tabletop.social

Last bit of prep for her, the spells I'm most likely to be using.

#vullyn #eberron

Last updated 5 years ago