Auscandoc · @auscandoc
1109 followers · 10668 posts · Server

“A return to has a clear logic in . Sick patients come into close contact; medical procedures produce aerosols. “It’s a perfect storm for potential transmission of microbes,” Costi David Sifri, the director of hospital at UVA Health, told me. Hospitals are on the front lines of disease response: They, more than nearly any other place, must prioritize protecting society’s .”

#masking #hospitals #epidemiology #vulnerable

Last updated 1 year ago

rhtunstall · @rhtunstall
754 followers · 8724 posts · Server

Week One:

Everyone in schools is already sick with what appears to be one of the most infectious variants to date, but you won’t hear anyone talking about it.

There will be no independent inquiry or exposé on how the govt embraced this virus; gave up on expensive tracking, containment or any sort of layered protection. How this govt chose (for all of us) to accept constant societal sickness as our new norm.

The won’t inform you on how this used teachers like Guinea pigs in their own private clinical trial while continued to openly lie about unchecked airborne transmission in schools.

They won’t remind you how our govt was caught hiding casualties in children with no negative press or pressure from .

In our new reality, there will be no to the thousands who have perished under and it’s policies while this continue to clutch their majority power.

There will be no mention of the thousands of deaths to come under this due to politically corrupted leadership and zero accountability by friendly press.

This govt, and will only ever work to hide, minimize and ignore the fallout from their cowardly surrender to .

They will only ever continue to hide the truth, continue to lie, continue to virtue signal and ultimately profit off our shared loss of community, loss of connection and loss of hope in humanity itself.

They will continue to ignore science and discriminate against our , constantly pushing a delusional post covid society like a desperate OxyContin doctor, all while silently sacrificing the last of us with no questions asked.

Soon they will begin their campaign for re-election, bragging about the death money they saved by giving up and accomplishing all these horrible feats in gilded secrecy.

They will try to convince us that they always cared, but we all now know “be kind and calm” was just another carefully scripted govt lie.

Don’t fall for the pricey virtue signalling. Don’t consume the endless propaganda, it’s only convincing because deception is their sole skill.

The hard truth is that these asinine “leaders” must be exiled for us to move forward. To heal we must first address the rampant virus that is our .

We need to work together to vote this , group of padded pocket politicians out! Our lives literally depend on it.

/end rant

#BCED #covid #BCNDP #teamaccess #bcmedia #BonnieHenry #msm #gbd #memorial #capitalism #leterrip #eugenic #bcpublichealth #adriandix #greatbarrington #COVID19BC #vulnerable #pr #bcgovt #corrupt #ableist #insufferable #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #newdeathparty #nodataparty #makeschoolssafe #masks4healthcare #cdnhealth #cdnpoli

Last updated 1 year ago

ZorroCOVID · @themaskerscomic
510 followers · 2090 posts · Server

If calling for actions that you know harms/kills a specific group of people isn't eugenics then I don't know what is, and that includes neglecting to call for safety precautions like masking when you are well aware that the lack there of will cause this harm.

#fauci #masksinhealthcare #vulnerable #covidisnotover #covid

Last updated 1 year ago

BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
167 followers · 692 posts · Server

Would rare glossy black cockatoos nest in the proposed Great Koala National Park on the NSW Mid North Coast?

Conservationists are celebrating the rare discovery of nests of one of Australia's most-threatened cockatoos.

The bird is one of the most-threatened species of cockatoos in Australia
For the first time in more than 20 years, glossy black cockatoo nests have been discovered on the New South Wales' Mid North Coast.

Glossy Black-Cockatoo (Biliirrgan) listed as vulnerable under federal environmental law

#nambucca #bellingen #coffsharbour #gumbaynggirrcountry #biliirrgan #thegreatkoalanationalpark #logging #vulnerable #birds #conservation

Last updated 1 year ago

Heads up, ! I'm letting my guard down to show off my real self in this photo. Who else is comfortable in their own skin?

For all my photos - see

#princesses #vulnerable #pantycheck

Last updated 1 year ago

Robert/Britney Black · @RobertBlack
40 followers · 935 posts · Server
Gladwyn d’Souza · @godsouza
167 followers · 2914 posts · Server

- As the exposed traditional callousness and to how the fails to for the , without a spotlight, traumatizes : the nonprofit was unable to tell her when or how much it had paid Flagstar and why the hadn’t yet been applied to her , she said. **And it wouldn’t provide anything in **

From: @ProPublica

#nightmare #pandemic #apathy #social #safetynet #care #vulnerable #media #victims #payment #account #writing #reformbigmedia

Last updated 1 year ago

Tarun Gupta · @tarungupta
6 followers · 149 posts · Server

My soul's dream palace is no longer solely mine. You've taken over, and I find myself willingly sharing my tottering soul with you. 🏰💞

#vulnerable #love

Last updated 1 year ago

· @FlotteBiene86
1060 followers · 294 posts · Server

Was mich wieder so aufregt ist, dass die die Politik (und die egoistischen Ärzte, die Ausreden suchen um zu begründen weshalb sie keine Masken zum Schutz der vulnerablen Patienten tragen wollen) bewusst die immer noch tödlichen Ausgänge der Covid Infektionen herunterspielen.

Und in der Folge auch die Bevölkerung die Risiken für herunterspielt.

Wenn Kliniken nicht mehr testen, wenn Patienten ankommen o. Symptome haben, dann werden sie auch nicht am Ende als Covid Todesfall gezählt.


Last updated 1 year ago

Daniele de Rigo · @dderigo
173 followers · 194 posts · Server


"Better data are essential, " but "better alone will not reduce inequality, Wilkinson points out.

Asked why he thinks SDG 10 is failing, he points to a reduction in that occurred in high-income nations from the until the end of the , broadly because challenged the state to play a bigger part in protecting people" [1]

#data #inequality #1930s #1970s #socialmovements #vulnerable

Last updated 1 year ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
409 followers · 1931 posts · Server

the entire thing is beyond patronizing; sounds like he’s explaining something to a small child

rather amazing that line was in there but sneakily style put next to

Also he says “especially over 50” for treatments. It’ll soon be 40 or 30🙄& nobody is going to remember because all that “

There’s an equivalent on Korean Arirang news I saw awhile back, & these “experts” have authority & are incredibly dangerous

#nlp #immunocompromised #vulnerable #brainfog #ashishjha

Last updated 1 year ago

anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖 · @anna_lillith
2392 followers · 13810 posts · Server

Her story illuminates a culture to protect perpetrators, indicts a designed to fail the most , and, ultimately, shines with the required to move through suffering and live a beautiful life.

- Renee Simpson


#paloalto #stanford #campussexualassault #mastobooks #knowmyname #chanelmiller #sexualassault #courage #vulnerable #criminaljusticesystem #biased

Last updated 1 year ago

Melroy van den Berg · @melroy
72 followers · 417 posts · Server

@taviso Well done with the Zenbleed discovery. It seems that AMD only patched the EPYC processor series. Other Zen2 processors still seems fully vulnerable.

In fact, I think AMD didn't want to announce this early at all. BIOS manufacturers don't even have BIOS firmware updates to protect users. Oops!?

#infosec #amd #zen2 #zenbleed #bios #vulnerable

Last updated 1 year ago

Tutorial: Find and fix vulnerable dependencies with govulncheck

#golang #tutorial #security #vulnerable

Last updated 1 year ago

OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
48 followers · 513 posts · Server

Rural Americans find little escape from climate change

Farm work, geography, and health care gaps leave them vulnerable to extreme weather. But research on the health impacts and effective prevention is thin.

#climate #rural #health #impact #farm #vulnerable

Last updated 1 year ago

getmisch · @GetMisch
54 followers · 669 posts · Server

For four years, people could change their gender on their driver's licenses in Kansas -- 900 have done so! Disgraced lawyer-now-attorney-general is breaking this precedent in order to flex his political muscle, after losing the Governor's race to a liberal (he's one of those "Build the Wall" fake fundraising lawyers).
the | & the in |

#conservatives #attack #most #vulnerable #among #us #for #political #power #culture #wars #work #mobilize #meanest #usa #gender #is #fluid

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
45 followers · 97 posts · Server
Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
45 followers · 65 posts · Server

Original toot date: 29 March, 2023


- The One Who Fights Despite Adversity.

I have had a strong sense of justice for as long as I can remember. I have spoken often of my need to help others, to stand up for what I believe in, to say something when something doesn’t seem fair or right. I have often fought battles that are unpopular; animal rights and Veganism, climate action since the mid-1980’s, Indigenous rights, defending the right for Muslims to choose to wear a burqua, fighting against the proposed religious discrimination bill, speaking out against transphobia before it was cool, advocating for same-sex marriage; again before it was cool, standing up for those who have been left behind and forgotten in an ongoing pandemic the government wants us to forget about…and the list goes on.

(continued in replies)

#whoamiwednesday #adversity #equality #justice #keepgoing #staystrong #nevergiveup #neverbackdown #yougotthis #lgbt #blacklivesmatter #freedom #womensrights #transrights #disability #neurodiversity #actuallyautistic #vulnerable #animalrights #govegan #iamwoman #authentic #thisisme #wearebrimbank #brimbank #eurovision

Last updated 1 year ago

Rob Waterhouse · @rmwaterhouse
488 followers · 135 posts · Server

Adventures in searching for a 🦋 and a to sample for 🧬 extraction 🧪 and sequencing to build complete reference for these beautiful but and European Reference Genome Atlas

#valais #switzerland #butterfly #beetle #dna #genomes #endangered #vulnerable #insects #ERGA

Last updated 1 year ago