PSA: Don't use #vultr for cloud services. I had 10.00 in unused credit and they debited it from my account without notification. They fucking stole that money from me.
I have moved each of my three #Mastodon instances over to #Backblaze B2 object storage and am syncing to #Vultr and #DigitalOcean as well.
#mastodon #backblaze #vultr #digitalocean
I think this is probably known to everyone interested but, just in case... For #blind users of #Vultr, I strongly suspect that the Windows standard 2022 image comes with audio enabled. I logged in with remote desktop and had audio, and could then get my portable #NVDA running nicely and remotely. This is new to me, I used to have to enable audio manually if I wanted it and didn't want to upload an image.
I am pleased to announce the release of #vultr #ansible collection 1.9.0 which brings bare metal and VPC 2.0 support.
🥥 Mad propz to, the cloud service provider that has found a way to get free publicity on the internet by screwing up image delivery in collaboration with my #Mastodon instance for several days now.
I would add an animated GIF to this post, but thanks to Vultr, I can't. 🥥 #Fediverse, #PRDisaster, #MurphysLaw
#vultr #mastodon #fediverse #prdisaster #murphyslaw
Build Your Secure Call System
Note: you should #secure your #Linux #Server to be sure that your #calls will be secured. less
#VPS #DigitalOceon #Vultr #RaspberryPi #DNS #root #SSH #WireGuard #OpenVPN #PiVPN #Bash #Debian #Putty #Username #Password #port #Google #Android #FileZilla #Chat #Network #Wifi
#secure #linux #server #calls #vps #digitaloceon #vultr #raspberrypi #dns #root #ssh #wireguard #openvpn #pivpn #bash #debian #putty #username #password #port #google #android #filezilla #chat #network #wifi
Many Fediverse servers in South Korea have been using #Vultr. In recent weeks, there have been frequent failures and database losses. Many servers have undergone emergency maintenance and one server has been shut down.
This week I'm giving the somewhat poorly named #Vultr a try, as they have a data center here in #Seoul. With me now self-hosting #Git I liked the idea of having it geographically closer to me (and thus faster), as my current VPS is US-based.
I'll run this for a little while before I form a full opinion on it, but first impressions are quite alright. Deployment was very easy as you've come to expect. And importantly, accessing #Gitea feels very snappy indeed.
#vultr #seoul #git #gitea #selfhosted #devops #LearnWithMe
我的 #Mastodon 站台是採用運算與儲存分離的機制, mastodon 是放在 #Vultr 的 vps,媒體檔案儲存是放在家中的 #Minio 物件儲存服務中,兩者透過 #Wireguard 連接。
但是這幾天經常會出現不通的情況,但只要家中的 Wireguard 換 port 就會通,這讓我懷疑 Wireguard 是透過 UDP 協定連接,被當作可疑的流量被 #Hinet 阻擋了。
#mastodon #vultr #minio #wireguard #hinet
Today I released #vultr #ansible collection 1.8.0.
If you're running @fedora 37 or 38 (beta), version 2.15.1 of the VULTR cloud CLI is on its way to you:
#linode #vultr #hosting #ad #pikaser
廣告~ :ablobhop:
之前提到 Linode 將會加價
所以我去註冊 Vultr 試玩
最便宜的是每月 2.5 USD (不過只有IPv6,很多網絡商都不支援=連不上
有IPv4的每月 3.5 USD
我把 TenderDuty (監察Cosmos節點用)搬過去了,暫時沒問題
用以下連結註冊會有100 USD 14日
> Referred customer must link a valid credit card or Paypal method to be eligible for the $100 credit. Unused portion of $100 credit expires after 14 days.
(之前提到 Linode 將會加價)
#pikaser #ad #hosting #vultr #linode
#networking #vultr #linode #router #ddwrt #ipv6
然後就是研究怎麼能用IPv6... :ablobeyes:
使用DDWRT 及網絡供應商不支援IPv6的話就是:,_6in4_tunnel_-_GUI_only
基本上商用的網絡商也不一定支援IPv6,家用的就不用想了… :ablobcatcoffee:
#ipv6 #ddwrt #router #linode #vultr #networking
#HostHatch 的每月12美元VPS,硬體規格要比 #Vultr 來的好,CPU多三個、RAM多10GB,但是可用流量比較少(2TB vs 3TB)。
Added object storage to my instance (#yunohost on #Vultr -
Bit to figure out since the instance was already established but seems to be going well so far.
Migrated media and currently rebuilding avatars.
If anyone needs help adding #S3 object storage to their existing #Mastodon instance, I'm happy to try.
#yunohost #vultr #s3 #mastodon