The gates opened and thousands of high European Honey Buzzards had no time to wait + 589 Booted #Eagles (pic), 256 Short-toed #Eagles, 278 Black #Kites, 114 Egyptian #Vultures, 112 Black and 284 White #Storks making the #14km crossing in front of our guests!
#eagles #kites #vultures #storks #14km #flywaybirding
Yesterday was a day of in your face #Eagles!
Whilst thousands of European Honey #Buzzards crossed despite the #levante wind Booted and Short-toed Eagles, Egyptian #Vultures and Black #Storks aborted attempts and cruised up the valley right in front of us.
A quick dash to welcome our group and back among the action with 300 European Honey Buzzards making a late crossing !
Here a stunning compact beauty of a Booted #Eagle expertly rides the Levante air currents!
#eagles #buzzards #levante #vultures #storks #eagle #flywaybirding
For International #VultureAwarenessDay:
Bernard Willem Wierink (Dutch, 1856-1939)
Gieren ( #Vultures ), 1919
platecut print, 40.2 h × 21.5 cm w
Rijksmuseum RP-P-1924-380:
#vultureawarenessday #vultures #birdsinart
Animal Art of the Day for International #VultureAwarenessDay #2: Mansur's #vultures
#BirdsInArt #EndangeredSpecies
#vultureawarenessday #vultures #birdsinart #endangeredspecies
I am so sad 😢 😭 Andy N. Condor, the beloved Andean Condor and Vulture Ambassador at Tracy Aviary in Utah, has passed away at the age of 64 of natural causes. He was active up until his very last day, taking walks with visitors and interacting with other birds (especially Chewie, the black vulture) and his keeper and best friend, Helen Dishaw. He lay down to sleep that night, and quietly passed on.
This is the announcement that was written on his Facebook page by Helen, who is devastated. She once said this is the price we will eventually have to pay for loving an animal, but we love them anyway.
By the way, I'm proud to be the one who told her of the legend "Once the condor enters your life, it will never leave." She used it in Andy's obituary, and it's so true.
Soar high on the thermals, Andy. We will meet again. 🖤 🤍 🖤 💗 💚 🌈
#birds #vultures #andeancondor
With well over 5,000 Black Kites crossing the divide here yesterday and nearly 2,000 White #Storks, Booted and Short-toed #Eagles Egyptian #Vultures, European Honey #Buzzard - this juvenile Griffon #Vulture joined the #migration party attempting it’s “youth-dispersal” to the #Sahel but turning back to have a rest and another attempt !
#storks #eagles #vultures #buzzard #vulture #migration #sahel #flywaybirding #milanosnegros #ingloriousbustards
Today among the #FlywayHighway Black #Kites continue to power through The #Straits with 1,825 making the crossing alongside this mesmerising group over 1,000 White Stork + 3 Black Stork, Egyptian #Vultures, Short-toed and Booted #Eagles European Bee-eaters, #Osprey and going the other way an Eleanora´s #Falcon!
With an increasingly gusty #Levante many decided to delay their crossing tomorrow more!
#FlywayBirding #Birding #TheStraitsofGibraltar #Birders #vismig
#flywayhighway #kites #straits #vultures #eagles #osprey #falcon #levante #flywaybirding #birding #thestraitsofgibraltar #birders #vismig
The river of migratory soaring #Birds continues over our guests heads !
Today 4,851 Black #Kites, 1,027 White #Storks, 96 Booted Eagles, 142 Short-toed #Eagles, 4 Montagu’s #Harriers and 2 Egyptian #Vultures crossed The #Straits from our chosen watchpoint. Also a juvenile #Lanner #Falcon ripped through our watchpoint. As the wind shifted more Black Kites pushed through the Eastern section of The Straits…..
#birds #kites #storks #eagles #harriers #vultures #straits #lanner #falcon #flywaybirding #birding #vismig #birders #migrationology
In the company of #vultures, one should never play dead.
So, on our walk this morning, we made sure we kept moving.
These guys are always hanging around this dumpster. #Vultures #StAugustineBeach
Mission Impossible! Nearly 300,000 dead Ukrainian soldiers, 700,000 injured Ukrainian soldiers, 20 Million displaced Ukrainians, and $1 Trillion in infrastructure damage. Ukrainians were put through a meat grinder! #beyondanalysis #SuperPredators #vultures #bloodsuckers #evil #EvilDoers #satan #Geopolitics #EyesWideOpen #truthcommando #georgemuhammad
#beyondanalysis #superpredators #vultures #bloodsuckers #evil #evildoers #satan #geopolitics #eyeswideopen #truthcommando #georgemuhammad
Why Do North American Vultures Have Either Red Or Black Heads? | @AuburnU @msstate | Avian Research
by @GrrlScientist via @ForbesScience / @Forbes
#ornithology #vultures #color #ecology #evolution
#ornithology #vultures #color #ecology #evolution
Usually, #cats & #birds don’t play nice together. But #lions & #vultures are united by a common threat: poisoning. 90% of #vultures die by poisoning in Africa from feeding on carcasses. But a new strategy in Kafue National Park, #Zambia is putting a stop to it.
#cats #birds #lions #vultures #zambia
Going to and fro in the earth, and walking up and down in it. #morningwalk #dailywalk #fallsoftheohio #vultures #fossils #neverlefteden
#neverlefteden #fossils #vultures #fallsoftheohio #dailywalk #morningwalk
#vultures #birds #BirdsOfMastodon
Baby turkey vulture update:
We've got some black feathers showing through. They're still hissing. The nest smells even worse than you'd imagine, unless you have a cruel imagination. Why would you even try? Stop that! Think of something better.
#vultures #birds #birdsofmastodon