Побыть призраком, исследовать Вирт наполненный чудесной музыкой, но, только если ваше железо потянет https://www.anumberfromtheghost.com/ #vurt
Since re-introductions seem to be in order. Hi, I'm Mike. I make things on the internet and play RPGs. Mostly I play online, and the majority of the time it's stuff that gets streamed on Twitch as part of the High Shelf Collective channel (https://twitch.tv/highshelfcollective). Sometimes I paint small bits of metal and/or plastic. I live in Saint Louis with my wife and our bulldog puppy.
🎶 These are a few of my favorite things
🎲 #BladesInTheDark #RedMarkets #TrophyRPG #Vurt #PbtA
🛠 #VueJS #NuxtJS #Shopify
#bladesinthedark #RedMarkets #trophyrpg #vurt #pbta #vuejs #nuxtjs #shopify
#vurt #jeffnoon Кот Игрун
Jeff Noon | Vurt Wikia | Fandom
#vurt перо вставить в рот, погрузиться в вирт. Ты продолжишь жить до самой смерти. Границы размыты. Сномотограф изобретён - просмотр дизайнерских снов, проблемы выбора вирта. Сложные слова образуют сложные смыслы. Когда созерцаешь Природу, видишь сон бога. Пьёшь виртовый сок.
@Lemonid @Ginrol_fex_Gesen СОН - всё должно происходить во сне, вот эти все ваши упражнения. Без момента сна мозг не обрабатывает нажитую информацию реалистичного физического мира. Это потребуется в последствии, на это потрачена животная жизнь в творении бога. ИГРА происходит! ВИРТ - субстанция #vurt, эфир сна, миры сновидений образующие вирт. Сны записываются на перья (носители), можешь употребить виртовое перо. Жёлтое перо - жизнь :ablobcatcoffee:
We're going to be starting more #VURT in a little bit! https://www.twitch.tv/ravendeskgames
We got another recap video voiceover for tomorrow’s #Vurt stream from Our Guy In Manchester(TM) and it’s wonderful as always.
Since we all, you know, died last time on the #VURT stream. This weekend we start a new campaign (still influenced by the events of the last one). Here's a very brief teaser video for it...
Was shoving our #Vurt session zero stuff into a mind map. There's a lot of ties back to the events of the Pollen Outbreak in the mix there. Could get interesting.
Also: Now we get to lookfor artists to commision character art for our new #Vurt stream from.
We've got two Robot/Shadow/Human hybrids, a sometimes stage magician, a dog-man with the eyes of a spider, and a giant biomechanical insect.
So, you know, the usual kind of stuff.
Well. We had another #Vurt rpg stream...And we all died.
Well, technically, one character is now trapped in the dream world, effectively immortal, and perpetually falling without end.
So, there's that...
Yo yo, Masto-fam. There's another session of the #VURT rpg run by one of the authors coming up in a couple hours on Twitch! Come watch us all do weird transdimensional drug feathers on the Ravendesk Games channel at 1pm central (US) time.
#vurt #playtowin #paint3stripes
So, seriously, there's another streaming #VURT game on https://twitch.tv/ravendeskgames tomorrow and I'm excited. The best way to get an idea of what all has happened before is to watch our little (pretty sure they're all under 2 minutes a piece) recap videos.
1. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/310521162
2. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/316047690
3. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/321834541
4. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/333403530
#vurt #playtowin #paint3stripes
This is the part where I drone on about having another session of #VURT coming up on Sunday.
So, yeah, here's the rundown on what happened last time.
#vurt #rpg #playtowin #paint3stripes
We're doing another Twitch stream of our #Vurt rpg campaign tomorrow (Sunday the 14th, at 4pm easter/1pm pacific). Here's our little recap video of what happened last time (it's under 2 minutes, fwiw)...
#vurt #paint3stripes #playtowin
We're doing another #VURT rpg stream on Sunday and we have another recap video up to prep everyone. 😍
#vurt #paint3stripes #playtowin
Tomorrow we're streaming another game of the #VURT rpg over on Twitch. Since all our previous sessions have been lost to the even growing hunger of the void there's a recap video to explain what the hell is going on (and I love it to pieces).