@Wuzzy I see what you did there... on #mtPlace! ๐
I just went over your #Minetest game called Glitch. I'm on level with trampolines and I think half of crystals are collected. Other half is kinda hardcore - must require a bit of backtracking, when I get a new ability, most likely.
The frustration I have with Glitch reminds me a lot of the days I played #VVVVVV, except it's now 3D. ๐
Also, I only just discovered that I can change perspective by pressing C. It allows me to see more surroundings, but at the same time the character blocks sight in center - so, gotta switch it depending on situation.
@Wuzzy I see what you did there... on #mtPlace! ๐
I just went over your #Minetest game called Glitch. I'm on level with trampolines and I think half of crystals are collected. Other half is kinda hardcore - must require a bit of backtracking, when I get a new ability, most likely.
The frustration I have with Glitch reminds me a lot of the days I played #VVVVVV, except it's now 3D. ๐
Also, I only just discovered that I can change perspective by pressing C. It allows me to see more surroundings, but at the same time the character blocks sight in center - so, gotta switch it depending on situation.
Don't mind me asking #HyperLightDrifter and #AxiomVerge to this list a bit late. Upon consideration also #Momodora.
And a few more:
#Eastshade (sorta)
#TheMessenger (kinda)
#Saira (kinda)
#VVVVVV (kinda)
(Yes I did just take a look through my game libraries...)
#hyperlightdrifter #AxiomVerge #momodora #minit #ashorthike #lenasinception #guacamelee #silvergrapple #spiritfarer #ahatintime #Aquaria #dustanelysiantail #eastshade #Everhood #Evoland #heavensvault #themessenger #owlboy #saira #shovelknight #timespinner #vvvvvv #yooka #youhavetowinthegame #superwinthegame
Just wrapped up "Jumping for Joy" by Chris Scullion, and thoroughly enjoyed it!
Was a blast to relive some of my favourite platformers through the pages, and a firm reminder of all the amazing ones that are still sitting in my backlog.
Amazing job, Chris!
#Gaming #VideoGames #VideoGame #Abzu #AdventureIsland #Mario #Sonic #ApeEscape #BanjoKazooie #YookaLaylee #DonkeyKong #HarmoKnight #Gris #GoNNER #Zool #Wild9 #VibRibbon #Book #Books #Bookstodon #VVVVVV @bookstodon
#vvvvvv #bookstodon #Books #book #vibribbon #wild9 #Zool #gonner #gris #harmoknight #donkeykong #yookalaylee #banjokazooie #ApeEscape #sonic #mario #adventureisland #abzu #videogame #videogames #Gaming
Gente, me he vuelto a pasar el VVVVVV. Que maravilla de juego, de verdad, si os molan los plataformas de morirse mucho, esta es una experiencia corta, pero intensa. La primera vez que me lo pasรฉ fueron como 2 horas, y esta vez lo he bajado a hora y media. Igual hasta me da poor tratar de hacer un speedrun chikito.
Game giveaway time!
(Two copies below!)
If you snag the copy leave a reply below!
#Giveaway #Free #Steam #Games #VVVVVV #IndieGame
#giveaway #free #steam #games #vvvvvv #indiegame
RPS Time Capsule: the games worth saving from 2010 - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/rps-time-capsule-the-games-worth-saving-from-2010 #Battlefield:BadCompanyโข2 #Amnesia:TheDarkDescent #Kane&Lynch2;:DogDays #CallofDuty:BlackOps #TheRPSTimeCapsule #Fallout:NewVegas #BestestBests #MassEffect2 #Blockbuster #BioShock2 #VVVVVV #Indie #2010
#battlefield #amnesia #kane #callofduty #TheRPSTimeCapsule #fallout #bestestbests #MassEffect2 #blockbuster #BioShock2 #vvvvvv #indie
VVVVVV plataforma jokoak zaleen laguntzarekin garatutako eguneraketa jaso du
Classic platformer VVVVVV just received its first update in 7 years - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/0qut9f94hmE/classic-platformer-vvvvvv-just-received-its-first-update-in-7-years #TerryCavanagh #Platform #VVVVVV
#terrycavanagh #platform #vvvvvv
Indie Bundle for Palestinian Aid on Itch offers over 1,000 games for UN relief - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/S2tbrJRjoFA/indie-bundle-for-palestinian-aid-on-itch-offers-over-1000-games-for-un-relief #NuclearThrone #Indiescovery #fundraising #Charity #VVVVVV #Indie #Minit
#NuclearThrone #Indiescovery #fundraising #charity #vvvvvv #indie #minit
VVVVVV is about to get its first update in almost seven years - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/8Zr0JmCUzq4/vvvvvv-is-about-to-get-its-first-update-in-almost-seven-years #distractionware #TerryCavanagh #open-source #VVVVVV
#distractionware #terrycavanagh #open #vvvvvv
So my SNES classic/mini now has wifi, and @terrycavanagh@twitter.com 's #VVVVVV. Great excuse to replay a great game, and thanks to @dantheman0827@twitter.com for making the port work!
(I hope I've got the right dan-the-man there...)
#VVVVVV source released: http://distractionware.com/blog/2020/01/vvvvvv-is-now-open-source/
Fun fact: this game was beta'd on forums as a flash game prior to release. I saved a copy of it so I could play it after it was taken down.
Later when I saw it on PC I bought it on principle. 90% because of the way the game was presented to forum users, and 10% because I'd been cheeky about it.
Pour les 10 ans de VVVVVV, Terry Cavanagh publie le code source du jeu
The 50 best free games on PC - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/Y9VnAzPk-co/ #Dr.LangeskovTheTigerandTheTerriblyCursedEmerald:AWhirlwindHeist #ChampionshipManager:Season01/02 #TheHitchhiker'sGuideToTheGalaxy #BarkleyShutUpandJam:Gaiden #OpenTransportTycoonDeluxe #VVVVVV:MakeandPlayEdition #Command&Conquer;:RedAlert #myfather'slonglonglegs #TheRPSBestestBestGames #DesktopTowerDefence #Horace'sFavourites #RobotUnicornAttack #TheRPSBestestBests #FeaturedArticles #MarathonInfinity
#dr #championshipmanager #thehitchhiker #barkleyshutupandjam #opentransporttycoondeluxe #vvvvvv #command #myfather #therpsbestestbestgames #desktoptowerdefence #horace #robotunicornattack #therpsbestestbests #featuredarticles #marathoninfinity