With all critics on ads and tracking in the browser and US government initiative on secure apps stack, I see no other way then create an #OSS browser as a platform. Capable of #DeclarativeWebApplication embedding, approved apps policies enforcement as on browser settings as on user level.
I doubt JS based apps could give such security layer as declarative stack would.
#oss #declarativewebapplication #w3ctag #webdev
Encapsulated import maps.
The #w3c standard does not support locally scoped maps. :headdesk:
But in #DeclarativeCustomElement if the imported template (HTML module) has it, the context root(DCE) would be able to resolve URLs accounting as global as local import maps.
I hope the pattern would be picked up by JS as well.
#w3c #declarativecustomelement #w3ctag #webdev
Recently on my horizon folks and even some friends come to conclusion that current languages are not good enough from various points.
My wish for you: whatever basis for your lingo you pick, follow the evolutionary architecture principles.
#compiler #programming #xslt #w3ctag
Thinking what sick minds created html5 parser? Perhaps only good thing about it is enormous amount of job it created.
Cursing and swearing when need to beat the disrespect for self-closing tags. And I am not alone. The buzz is all around.
Is there any trick to recover original HTML (which is valid XML) out of broken by parser HTML DOM?
The 🎄 holidays dilemma: spend time to design DAL in Declarative Web Application or fix element-to-data in web service on browser dev tools inspector?
Both important and had to be done a century ago 😛
#opensource & #w3cTAG & #XSLT
#w3cTAG is limiting itself by API principles and review. While web development needs an evolutionary architecture for the web stack.
Declarative Web Applications as development and deployment stack or related aspects does not seem to fit into TAG activities. The last effort of such scale was web components and progressive web apps. Time to progress further.
The #w3cTAG opens a design review discussion on #GitHub - https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/discussions/793#discussion-4636585, and encourages the community to come and ask questions relating to the "Web Platform Design Principles" or other aspects of the #WebPlatform architecture. https://w3ctag.github.io/design-principles/
I finally managed to eat a (first-party) cookie during a #w3cTAG meeting in which we talked about third-party cookies. Nobody mentioned TAG side effects being increased desire to eat cookies all the time. https://rhiaro.co.uk/2021/04/finally-managed