Ed W8EMV :radio_tower: · @w8emv
450 followers · 845 posts · Server mastodon.radio

Q1. Where are you checking in from and, if you have your license, what was your most recent contact?

A1. Ann Arbor, MI, grid EN82dg.

Most recent contact this morning on a morning roundtable net, pedestrian mobile on 2 meters via , with Jim as net control. Band conditions fair in the early morning, there is interference when the band is long.

W8STX is there every day, keeps a log that he posts monthly, and generally directs traffic on the net. Thanks Jim!


#hamtalk #w8stx #N8DUY

Last updated 1 year ago

Ed W8EMV :radio_tower: · @w8emv
382 followers · 630 posts · Server mastodon.radio

11 of us on the 800a morning roundtable (, 145.15- PL100, area repeater covers much of metro ).

A report that yesterday we had a Canadian station Tim check in at the end (though I did not hear him).

I could copy a few stations on the input, from my QTH standing outside the Westgate library coffee shop. (Indoor reception not anywhere near as good.) That included Wes as he was driving past on M-14.

Thanks to Jim for being net control.

#w8stx #n8qm #ve3tcs #detroit #annarbor #vhf #N8DUY

Last updated 2 years ago

Ed W8EMV :radio_tower: · @w8emv
353 followers · 596 posts · Server mastodon.radio

Fantastic morning 2m net on

From the 8th floor of the parking structure I have clear line of sight to the repeater and got good reports at 30 milliwatts! Bumped it up to 300 mw and it was full quieting.

Thanks Jim for running the net.

Now inside with the morning coffee.

Scheming to do AREDN portable next as there is line of sight to a station there as well.

(parking structures on the air) 🅿️ :radio_handheld:

#psota #w8stx #N8DUY

Last updated 2 years ago