Das ist doch ne #Touristenfalle:
Pommes mit "Ketchup" und Majo für €3,50...
#WachtAmRhein #Biergarten #Leverkusen
51°01′55.8″ N, 06°58′08.0″ E
#Leverkusen #biergarten #wachtamrhein #touristenfalle
Got in some time with Decisive Campaigns: Ardennes Offensive. Good game. As always, takes some time to pick up the nuances.
#DecisiveCampaignsArdennesOffensive #Ardennes #OperationalArtofWar #Operational #WachtAmRhein #BattleoftheBulge
#decisivecampaignsardennesoffensive #ardennes #operationalartofwar #operational #wachtamrhein #BattleoftheBulge
Got in some time with Decusive Campsigns: Ardennes. Good game. As always, takes some time to pick up the nuances.
#DecisiveCampaignsArdennes #Ardennes #OperationalArtofWar #Operational #WachtAmRhein #BattleoftheBulge
#decisivecampaignsardennes #ardennes #operationalartofwar #operational #wachtamrhein #BattleoftheBulge
#otd 1944 #Ardennes #WachtAmRhein Recommended reading https://hauptkampflinie.blogspot.com/2020/10/jomini-and-ardennes-analysis-of-lines.html
Battle of the Bulge - Animated — A nice overview of the Battle of the Bulge 1944 in four parts.
Part 1: https://youtu.be/UoynTOzLD28
Part 2: https://youtu.be/9SCvwr4FfdM
Part 3: https://youtu.be/6PHmtgP01Qo
Part 4: https://youtu.be/3l_Y0OqNJZA
#BattleoftheBulge #ardennes #wachtamrhein
Project ‘44 has a very well done timeline / animated map on the Battle of the Bulge 1944. https://battle-of-the-bulge.project44.ca
#BattleoftheBulge #Ardennes #WachtAmRhein
#BattleoftheBulge #ardennes #wachtamrhein