@ibnesayeed #WADL2023 #JCDL2023 For more info:
* code: https://github.com/internetarchive/trendmachine
* demo: https://trendmachine.sawood-dev.us.archive.org/
With "TrendMachine: A Temporal Webpage Resilience Portal" at #WADL2023, @ibnesayeed gets a chance to expand on the work he briefly presented as a late-breaking paper at #JCDL2023
See: https://twitter.com/ibnesayeed/status/1673780983185965056
Closing out the #WADL2023 #JCDL2023 drop-in talks, @BrendaReyesAyala is discussing her paper "Gone, Gone, but Not Really, and Gone, But Not forgotten: A Typology of Website Recoverability"
During the #WADL2023 drop-in talks Michele Weigle is giving a brief summary about her #JCDL2023 paper "Right HTML, Wrong JSON: Challenges in Replaying Archived Webpages Built with Client-Side Rendering"
Preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.01071
Next up at #WADL2023 #JCDL2023 is "IPARO: InterPlanetary Archival Record Object for Decentralized Web Archiving and Replay" presented by @ibnesayeed from @internetarchive
@ibnesayeed For @ibnesayeed news summarization work:
demo: https://archive.org/services/news-summary/
code: https://github.com/internetarchive/newsum
@ibnesayeed .@ibnesayeed mentioned the News Visual Explorer capability from the GDELT project: https://api.gdeltproject.org/api/v2/tvv/tvv
.@ibnesayeed is presenting "Synthesizing Daily Top News Summaries From Archived International TV
Channels Using LLMs" at #WADL2023 #JCDL2023
.@machawk1 is kicking off the 2023 Web Archiving and Digital Libraries (#WADL2023) workshop at #JCDL2023
For more information: https://fox.cs.vt.edu/wadl2023.html
Please consider preparing a submission for the Web Archiving & Digital Libraries (WADL) Workshop, occurring in Santa Fe, NM June 30, 2023 at #JCDL2023. Short write-up due May 1.
More info (CfP): https://fox.cs.vt.edu/wadl2023.html
Boosts appreciated to inform interested folks outside of digipres.club.
#wadl2023 #webarchiving #jcdl2023