Today is #NHPIEqualPayDay but what does that mean?
📊 Hidden wage gaps persist for NHPI women within the broader #AANHPI data. In 2021, while white, non-Hispanic men earned a $1, NHPI women working full time received 65 cents.
Looking at all #NHPI women earners (full-time, part-time & part-year) they earn 61 cents for every dollar earned by white, non-Hispanic men. It's time for fair wages for all! 💪🌟
Start raising awareness by taking action!
#nhpiequalpayday #AANHPI #nhpi #wagegap #EqualPay
New study indicates the #US #wagegap between #Black and #white men may be bigger than previously understood
Today in Labor History June 10, 1963: JFK signed the Equal Pay Act. The law prohibits employers from paying men and women different wages for the same job. Yet, even with this law, pay disparities persist. According to a recent study by the Pew Research Center, women today still make only 82% of what men earn, roughly the same as 20 years ago. However, the wage gap is smaller today than it was 40 years ago, when women earned only 65% of what men earned.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #feminism #sexism #EqualPay #jfk #discrimination #WageGap
#workingclass #LaborHistory #feminism #sexism #equalpay #jfk #discrimination #wagegap
However, in most published studies, the social cost of negotiating for pay is not significant for men, while it is significant for women." #Discrimination #Sexism #Misogynoir #Misogyny #Workforce #WomenAtWork #WomenInTheWorkforce #GenderWageGap #GenderPayGap #WageGap
#wagegap #genderpaygap #genderwagegap #womenintheworkforce #WomenatWork #workforce #misogyny #misogynoir #sexism #discrimination
Yesterday was the day when women in America finally earned as much - in all of 2022 and 2023 - as their male counterparts did by the end of 2022. Some companies did better than others, but this is the reality women live with.
In honor of #EqualPayDay today, here's a little history behind our project, @EqualPayToday (which you should definitely go follow!)
"Equal Pay Today was founded with organizational partners from states and the national stage 10 years ago. Together, we committed to share leadership and resources to close the gender, race, and LGBTQIA+ wage gaps for those most impacted by inequities."
Read more on our website here!
#WageGap #EqualPay #FairPay #GenderJustice #LGBTQ #Women
#EqualPayDay #wagegap #EqualPay #fairpay #genderjustice #lgbtq #women
Today is #EqualPayDay so let's talk about that a little bit.
The #WageGap contributes to the long-term economic insecurity of women & families. By earning only 84 cents for every $1 a man makes, full-time, year-round working women lose up to $400k over the course of their careers.
This keeps women in the cycle of poverty, unable to afford basic necessities. If it were eliminated, women would have additional $$ every year for:
🏥Health insurance
📚Student loan debt
Over the last 20yrs, these numbers have remained consistent:
Women earn about 82 cents for every dollar a man earns
- For Black women, it's about 65 cents
- For Latina women, it's about 60 cents
"It's what we call the 'unexplained pay gap,'" says Blau, then laughs. "Or, you could just call it discrimination."
That's exactly what it is.
It's Equal Pay Day. The salary gap between men and women isn't shrinking : NPR
Happy International Women's Day.
And a reminder that Equal Pay Day is not until next week. On average, women work from January 1, 2022 until March 14th, 2023 to earn as much as men earned in the 2022 calendar year.
2 Puerto Rico cities among only 9 in US where women earn more than men
Pheabs, a consumer finance intermediary, has revealed in a new data study that only nine small cities in the United States have women earning more than men, and it turns out that Puerto Rican municipalities #Ponce and #Caguas were ranked the fourth and fifth cities where women earn more
#WageGap #GenderEquality #PuertoRico
#puertorico #GenderEquality #wagegap #caguas #ponce
This looks like a good place to put this link. ESRI settles with DOL about underpaying women employees #ESRI #Wagegap
We're proud to share space w/ a true hero! Cassandra Welchlin has been leading efforts in #Mississippi to close the #WageGap
“My belief? No mom should have to choose between her child and what she deserves from her job, which includes #EqualPay, access to healthcare, #PaidLeave, sick leave, and pregnancy accommodations."
#mississippi #wagegap #EqualPay #paidleave
Why did the #gender #wagegap stop narrowing?
SHOCKING New Study Shows How Bad Income Inequality Is In America
#tyt #theyoungturks #breakingnews #wagegap #inequality
New York State Now Requires Companies to Include Salary Ranges in Job Ads as pressure grows to close a persistent #wagegap between white men, women and POC #WorkersRights
New York State Now Requires Companies to Include Salary Ranges in Job Ads as pressure grows to close a persistent #wagegap between white men, women and POC #WorkersRights
What's the hold up for #EqualPay? What does the data suggest about how we treat women workers?
A new report from the US Gov't Accountability Office dropped last week and shows a distinct #WageGap for women of color, women in management, and more.
Check out this 2m clip with Jessica Stender, Policy Director for @EqualRightsAdvocates who talks about how state-led efforts seem to be more successful at combatting the #WageGap head-on
What's the hold up for #EqualPay? What does the data suggest about how we treat women workers?
A new report from the US Gov't Accountability Office dropped last week and shows a distinct #WageGap for women of color, women in management, and more.
Check out this 2m clip with Jessica Stender, Policy Director for @EqualRightsAdvocates who talks about how state-led efforts seem to be more successful at combatting the #WageGap head-on
It's a disgrace that while CEO pay continues to skyrocket, the average worker's wages have been stagnant for decades. This is the ugly reality of capitalism, where the few at the top reap all the rewards while the rest of us struggle to get by.
#wagegap #capitalism #workingclass
#wagegap #capitalism #workingclass
Today we led a nationwide social media campaign to advocate for an end to the #WageGap as we observed #LatinaEqualPayDay.
Data shows that FT and PT #Latina workers make only 54 cents for every $1 earned by a white male..
There are many factors that contribute to the #PayGap and we know a lot of folks on this instance may be in positions of power to change their workplace environment to be more #equitable
We'll be posting some more info on how you can be an #advocate for #FairPay
💪🏻 💪🏽 💪🏿
#wagegap #latinaequalpayday #latina #paygap #equitable #advocate #fairpay