There is no #WagePriceSpiral. // #neoliberalism #economics
Keine Panik vor höheren Löhnen —
Die #Inflation wird nicht von Lohnerhöhungen getrieben, sondern von Energiekosten und #Gewinnen großer Firmen. Die Reallohnverluste sind so hoch, dass der #Arbeitskampf verständlich ist. Es gibt keine #LohnPreisSpirale.
Marcel Fratzscher Kolumne für @zeitonline:
#wagepricespiral #neoliberalism #economics #inflation #gewinnen #Arbeitskampf #LohnPreisSpirale
*Two thirds* of US companies increased their margins over the first two years of the pandemic. Prices didn't go up because poor people overspent their CARES Act money. Inflation wasn't just a matter of supply-shocks. I accuse monopolies, in the economy, with the profiteering:
There is no evidence of a #WagePriceSpiral. Wage growth peaked in June at 4.8% and by October it had declined to 4.2%, making real wages 2.3% lower than they were in Oct 2021.
The two esteemed economists compared interest rate hikes to medieval bloodletting, where "doctors" did "more of the same when their therapy failed until the patient either had a miraculous recovery (for which the bloodletters took credit) or died (which was more likely)."
As they document, workers today aren't recreating the dread #WagePriceSpiral of the 1970s: despite low levels of unemployment, workers wages still aren't keeping up with inflation.
Let's start with the case against bloodletting. #InflationHawks warn us of the #WagePriceSpiral, which is when inflation goes up and powerful workers bargain for higher wages, which drives up costs, and thus prices, and thus wages. This is the fairy-tale version of what happened in the 1970s and it's entirely true except for the fact that it was #OPEC's #embargo driving up oil prices that caused inflation, a fact that makes it entirely false, but oh well.
#inflationhawks #wagepricespiral #opec #embargo