@LadyDragonfly all forms of payment and profits should be taxed equally if not higher than #WageWork...
@LadyDragonfly IMHO #CapitalGains should be taxed like #WageWork / #Labour if not higher and be subject to the same fees and surcharges...
Anything else would be unfair to the masses of people working.
#labour #wagework #capitalGains
@LadyDragonfly How about seizing their assets and profits by 100% and tax everything they earn afterwards like #Wagework?
We could still let them fight each other like gladiators tho and the survivor gets to live... ^^
#sarcasm for the latter part...
@Heidentweet which won't work as most don't "own" said planes on their own but have those boxed into airlines.
Basically you'd rather ban #MEDEVAC flights with small #Gulfstream jets than prevent a #Billionaire to be a #Wanker.
Thus #taxing all #income like #WageWork is the next best solution, including loans granted with #shares as collateral.
#shares #wagework #income #taxing #wanker #billionaire #gulfstream #medevac
@Outersider Imagine if people didn't do these jobs out of socioeconomic need for #WageWork to make ends meet and not starve and/or freeze to death...
@davidhaller @opendna @QasimRashid There is no indication that it would nor any data that would proove that point...
However I still propose rather than taxing "wealth" that any "capital gains" should be taxed and subject to fees like social security & healthcare as #WageWork does...
It would make much more sense to support that, as it would be socially just to tax all types of income equal and not overtax work and undertax capital.
@QasimRashid #CapitalGains should be taxed at least higher if not equal than #WageWork and also be subject to the same percentage of deductions like #SocialSecurity and #Healthcare...
#Healthcare #socialsecurity #wagework #capitalGains
@Monolecte @human3500 @TRyanGregory and I bet you just like with all the crippled into disablility WW1 vets amd American Flu survivors, we'll soon see social darwinism of the late-1930s Germany kind pushed again, denying the existance of #LongCovid, #MECFS and broadly advocating for making people suffer more for #LateStageCapitalism or perish if they can't be exploited with peak efficiency for #WageWork!
#wagework #latestagecapitalism #mecfs #LongCovid
@ArtifexUmbra @allenstenhaus @orionkidder @Nezchan Eeyupp...
That's because #WageWork is taxed higher than #CapitalGains...
@benjamineskola sadly I'm kinda forced to use #bash on #production aka. #WageWork.
But yeah, I really want to see a #FSF/#GNU-free #Linux distro...
@chimera_linux aims to do that...
#Linux #FSF #wagework #production #Bash
@elight Now granted I don't think like some deranged #AntiWork propagandists that doing #WageWork makes one evil by accomplicity under #Capitalism, as this is extremely shortsighted and reactionary in thought...
Because as shitty as it sounds, people able to disconnect from the system are privilegued by virtue of capital and property and thus lack of need for wagework...
#Capitalism #wagework #antiwork
@sataa @ncommander @ActionRetro @greymatter I only use #bash because I'm kinda forced to do so at #WageWork...
@maia That actually exists...
It's called #WhiteCollar #WageWork...
Bosses just don't dress up as doms...
Well, I'm not in need of overcoming anything, but I acknowledge the facts and inconvenient truth that people are basically forced into #WageWork to even fucking survive.
People are fecking bootlickers and none of them will do what is necessary to reach 2° cap or even the 3° limit.
@Mikal Hate to burst your bubble but do you really believe people who barely survive #WageWork in #LateStageCapitalism are able and/or willing to risk even rhe comforts of being able to shut down their brains after work for shitty TV or streaming will rise up?
Realistically that doesn't happen...
#latestagecapitalism #wagework
@joelmleo people who never didn #WageWork should not judge or command #Wageworkers...