Bojovníci PMC Wagner dorazili do Běloruska většinou bez těžké techniky, protože ji mohli předat ruskému ministerstvu obrany, domnívá se britská rozvědka.
#Wagner PMC militants arrived in Belarus mostly without their heavy equipment, as they could have handed it over to the Russian Defense Ministry, British intelligence believes
U Bakhmutu byl spatřen nový druh Wagnera, #Wagner plazivý. 😀
#wagner #wagnerspigs #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #SlavaUkraine
A new species of Wagner, the Wagner creeper, was spotted at #Bakhmut. 😀
#WagnersPigs #Wagner #BakhmutIsUkraine #Ukraine️ #StandWithUkraine #SlavaUkraine
#Bakhmut #wagnerspigs #Wagner #bakhmutisukraine #ukraine #StandWithUkraine #slavaUkraine