is covering it very well. More specifically
#canadalandshouldbeonmastadon #wagthedoug #canadaland
Episode #57 of #Canadaland's #WagtheDoug podcast.
"Allison and Jonathan look at the ways the Greenbelt story could be told on screen and who’d be best suited to star in it."
#dougford #onpoli #ontario #greenbelt #wagthedoug #canadaland
The latest #WagTheDoug captures what's great and not so great about this podcast.
Smith and Goldsbie clearly have a great deal of knowledge and insight when it comes to our premier's corruption. But they choose to present it in a too-clever bit wherein they try to pick the best cinematic metaphor for the current debacle. It's hard to listen to.
Greenbelt: The Movie
Ontario’s Auditor General has confirmed what we suspected: that Doug Ford’s government effectively redrew the map of the province, opening up thousands of acres of land for development, based largely on solicitations made at a party. It just wasn’t the party we thought.
* Episode Download link (32 MB):