@mazzeri well done! I agree, you are being conservative in your estimate. With multiple tipping points of major oceanic-atmospheric systems already crossed by now e.g. #GIS, #WAIS, #Amazon, #AMOC, #CoralReefs, it is clear that "the sky's the limit" in terms of impending climate destruction an human-caused destruction of our planet. Which says nothing about #habitat and #biodiversity loss. Or #ocean #acidification. Or, or, or ... The best guess is that the #AMOC will have completely broken down ca. 2050, quite possibly sooner. We are already in uncharted territory now, so to talk about future uncharted territory ... it beggars belief, especially as so much of this destruction has already been programmed by humans into #Earth systems #EarthSystems ... thoroughly enervating.
#gis #wais #amazon #amoc #coralreefs #habitat #biodiversity #ocean #acidification #earth #earthsystems
#Meeresspiegel #Antarktis #WAIS #Grönland #Eiszeit
Neu von mir auf Telepolis:
#meeresspiegel #antarktis #wais #gronland #eiszeit
After reading this I think I have a better understanding of what tipping points are and which, scarily enough, have been passed. The evidence had been stacking up for a while that sea level rise is locked and this paper clarifies why.
Climate Dominoes | Breakthrough https://www.breakthroughonline.org.au/climatedominoes
#sealevelrise #gis #greenlandicesheet #climatechange #climateemergency #climatecrisis #wais
#sealevelrise #gis #greenlandicesheet #climatechange #climateemergency #climatecrisis #wais
"Exceeding 1.5°C global warming could trigger multiple climate tipping points - Climate tipping points are conditions beyond which changes in a part of the climate system become self-perpetuating. These changes may lead to abrupt, irreversible, and dangerous impacts with serious implications for humanity. Armstrong McKay et al. present an updated assessment of the most important climate tipping elements and their potential tipping points, including their temperature thresholds, time scales, and impacts. Their analysis indicates that even global warming of 1°C, a threshold that we already have passed, puts us at risk by triggering some tipping points. This finding provides a compelling reason to limit additional warming as much as possible."
"Observations have revealed that parts of the West Antarctic ice sheet may have already passed a tipping point. Potential early warning signals of the Greenland ice sheet, Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, and Amazon rainforest destabilization have been detected. Multiple abrupt shifts have been found in climate models. Recent work has suggested that up to 15 tipping elements are now active."
#Climate #ClimateCrisis #TippingPoints #Amazon #AMOC #AMOCCollapse #GreenlandIceSheet #WestAntarcticIceSheet #WAIS #fff
#climate #ClimateCrisis #tippingpoints #amazon #amoc #amoccollapse #greenlandicesheet #westantarcticicesheet #wais #fff
I (re)discovered the World Wide Web!
And, even better news, it's similar to WAIS!
#waybackmachine #www #cern #bigdummy #wais #throwbackfriday
About 125,000 years ago, Turquet's #Octopus populations on opposite sides of the West #Antarctic Ice Sheet mixed genetically. The only way for this to happen involves a seaway across the continent caused by a collapse in the #WAIS. The #SWAIS2C project will check to see if the #icesheet has collapsed previously. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/feb/05/clue-to-rising-sea-levels-lies-in-dna-of-4m-year-old-octopus-scientists-say
#octopus #antarctic #wais #SWAIS2C #icesheet
Very cool, innovative, interdisciplinary research, resulting in a stark warning.
"The authors of the #octopus research say their findings suggest that even under global heating of 1.5C – the most ambitious goal under the global Paris #climate agreement – the West Antarctic Ice Sheet could be consigned to collapse."
#WAIS #SeaLevelRise
#octopus #climate #wais #sealevelrise
Sagenhafter Longread / Webstory über den #Thwaites #Gletscher https://www.sueddeutsche.de/projekte/artikel/wissen/thwaites-gletscher-antarktis-glaziologie-meeresspiegelanstieg-klimawandel-e317022/
Jedes mal, wenn ich was zu Thwaites lese, kapiere ich ein Stückchen mehr. Die Autoren der @SZ haben hier auch ein Bild mit Höhenprofil der #Antarktis drin, aus dem ich nun verstanden habe, wie Thwaites auseinanderbricht.
Der liegt in seinem Festlandteil nämlich hauptsächlich in einer Art Binnenmeer unterhalb des Meeresspiegels. Sobald er und der nachrutschende Westantarktische Eisschild #WAIS weggeschmolzen sind, ist in der Kuhle also Wasser und ein paar Inseln.
Dem Binnenmeer vorgelagert ist nur ein bisschen Land. Und über dieses Land schwappt "warmes" Ozeanwasser (über 0ºC warm) in die Kuhle dahinter. Dort greift es das Eis von unten her an und zwar fugen-artig oder in Scheiben.
Dadurch entstehen die für Thwaites schon typischen parallelen "Fahrrillen" auf der Oberfläche. Entlang dieser Rillen, dieser bis auf den Grund des Binnenmeeres reichenden Einschnitte, wird er auseinanderbrechen.
Bald. Sehr bald.
Der Artikel hat tolle Medien und mehrere, menschlich-persönlich skizzierte Miniportraits von Wissenschaftlern. Ganz toll gemacht. Wie ein #CoffeeTableBook :)
(Und ja: ich bin jetzt auf meiner eigenen Instanz und kann 5000 Zeichen an einem Stück tooten. Yayayayay!)
#thwaites #gletscher #antarktis #wais #coffeetablebook
#TP0.5.8 Coupling of Tipping_Elements Tim Lenton
1 Arctic Sea Ice Reduction is on top #TP15
2 Permafrost #TP4
3 Boreal Forest, Fires release CO and CO2 #TP11
4 Greenland-ice-melt-elevation-feedback #TP1
5 #AMOC less salt less current down the north Atlantic #TP12
6 Amazon Rain-forest #AMAZ #TP10
7 Antarctic Ice Loss (#WAIS #TP2) (#EAIS #TP16)
#tp16 #eais #tp2 #wais #tp10 #Amaz #tp12 #amoc #tp1 #tp11 #tp4 #tp15 #tp0
Realizing after I posted this that it is now a Moral Imperative for me to add hyperlinking for all #IETF #RFC1738 URI schemes to #Mastodon, especially news and nntp. If they won’t accept my pull request this is worth a fork.
#FTP #Gopher #Usenet #NNTP #telnet #WAIS #Prospero (hell yeah, Prospero https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4157)
#ietf #mastodon #ftp #gopher #usenet #telnet #wais #prospero #rfc1738 #nntp
Tuesday night is #Antarctica night! I'm writing a plain language summary for educators about #SWAIS2C Sensitivity of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to 2 Celsius (of warming).
We'll drill through 2 sites on the Ross Ice Shelf and into the sediment below. Analyzing this sediment will help us learn more about past melting of the WAIS (West Antarctic Ice Sheet) when Earth was warmer and global sea levels were higher.
📸 Me, Ross Ice Shelf 2017
#scicomm #scienceed #scienceeducation #WAIS
#wais #scienceeducation #ScienceEd #scicomm #swais2c #antarctica
I asked #ChatGPT what would be on the menu if The Cybersecurity Librarian had a #BBS running Citidel and it had some interesting options but no WAIS gateway. So then I asked what kind of VT terminal I would use if I was connecting to #WAIS over a #modem in 1992. It gave me a long caveated answer but correctly guessed VT100!
@Porpentina2017 @amyfou #Veronica, #Archie, #finger, #WAIS, etc were all still in use to some degree when I first started #computing.
#oldendays #Computing #wais #finger #archie #veronica
@rahmstorf #TP2.7 #WAIS West Antarctic Ice Sheet will melt at 10°C (and refreeze at 3°C)
That is why its named tipping element.
Ice is lost at 10°C and it will take millions of years until the earth reaches 3°C to refreeze the antarctic.
#TP2.6 #WAIS West Antarctic Ice Sheet tips first, than..
at 2K #WAIS
at 3K east Antarctica
at 7K Antarctica (ice free earth)
Antarctica is melting 151Gt per year
モイ!iPhoneからキャス配信中 -ごきげんよう'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
#コスメ #ピアノ #WAIS
#wikipedia #article "Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale" #WAIS #WechslerAdultIntelligenceScale #intelligence #mesure #QI #indication ... https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wechsler_Adult_Intelligence_Scale
#wikipedia #article #wais #WechslerAdultIntelligenceScale #intelligence #mesure #qi #indication