I love the ‚Making sense’ podcast by Sam Harris but this one is particularly intense, featuring the fabulous Tim Urban of #waitbutwhy and his clever thoughts.
Tim Urban, who writes "Wait, But Why?" was a big factor in Elon Musk's rise to PR-fame in his series of blog posts. It was a series that benefited them both.
He did an AMA on Reddit, where Musk's rise to fame is connected to Tim Urban, who gave Musk a whole new crowd of fans. Since than, that crowd sees Musk for what he is. The most popular question(s) by far were: "What do you think of Musk now?"
I'll let you judge Mr. Urbans character yourself:
@cliffwade Good morning! #coffee has been consumed so the day is ready to begin.
I picked up #WaitButWhy’s new book #WhatsOurProblem so that’s been keeping me company this morning.
My day will consist of work emails, voting in the #Chicago election, and getting my marriage license 😊
#coffee #waitbutwhy #whatsourproblem #chicago
Tim Urban von #WaitButWhy hat heute sein Opus Magnum veröffentlicht: Ein Buch, in dem es um die ganz großen Fragen unserer Gegenwart geht.
Hey #fosstodon what blogs are you reading via #rss (this is a requirement, I want to be intentional)? I see great blog posts from some of you here but I don't see everyone's stuff. Please plug your own and others' blogs. Input from #askfedi and #boostswelcome.
I'm interested in #technology (#foss, #emacs, #web, #rust) #photography (#landscape, #fossphotography), #sciencecommunication (#kurzgesagt #stevemould, #minutephysics), #thoughtleaders (#cgpgrey, #waitbutwhy). Thanks for the help!
#fosstodon #rss #askfedi #boostswelcome #technology #foss #emacs #web #rust #photography #landscape #fossphotography #sciencecommunication #kurzgesagt #steveMould #minutephysics #thoughtleaders #cgpgrey #waitbutwhy
This is one of the most thoughtful articles summarizing about knowledge and beliefs formation I've ever seen.
The Thinking Ladder https://waitbutwhy.com/2019/09/thinking-ladder.html
I strongly recommend reading the whole series from the beginning! #waitbutwhy
BTW, since I'm #procrastinating and because I mentioned the whole text vs video thing, I might as well mention that if you're like me and prefer dense 5,000 word textwalls to snappy 5 minute videos, you might like this classic #waitbutwhy post:
Wait But Why: Why Procrastinators Procrastinate
👋🏻 from the Dark Playground. Maybe my #procrastination can help end yours! Okay, attempt 4 to do my planner for the week! #ADHDlife
#procrastinating #waitbutwhy #procrastination #adhdlife