I too would be happy to meet him. The more people I meet the happier I become. From the meanest creature one departs wiser, richer, more conscious of one's blessings.
Even you ... he looks at them ostentatiously in turn to make it clear they are both meant ..
.. even you, who knows, will have
added to my store.
Why doesn't he put down his bags?”
#nightimereading #books #samuelbeckett #waitingforgodot
I know @YouTube has clips, but is there a full recording of the #WaitingForGodot production with #RobinWilliams and #SteveMartin available anywhere?
#waitingforgodot #robinwilliams #stevemartin
Via the magic of zoom, I am speaking about copyright law and dramatic works this week with a paper on 'Waiting for Copyright to Expire: The Legal Endgame of Samuel Beckett' at the Samuel Beckett in Central Europe conference being staged in Prague by CEFRES, Charles University, the Sorbonne, and the University of Bordeaux https://works.bepress.com/matthew_rimmer/415/ #copyright #theatre #drama #performance #waitingforgodot #SamuelBeckett
#copyright #theatre #drama #performance #waitingforgodot #SamuelBeckett
Hand-written manuscript of the #poem "Estragon" circa 29 March 1993.
#WaitingForGodot #ThirtyYearsofJournalsProject #WritingCommunity #Poetry #PoetryCommunity @poetry @smallpoems
#poem #waitingforgodot #thirtyyearsofjournalsproject #writingcommunity #poetry #poetrycommunity
#Oldage #WaitingForGodot #CurrentTimes Just got my annual cardio appt. Was the longest one yet, ,shuttling from one room to the next. About 4 hours, a little more actually.
The good news is things haven't got much worse. The bad news, things are still bad and won't get better.
Mostly the result of the illness I got when I was 75, I'm 85 Years, 4 Months, 20 Days now, but who's counting.
Probably get to see tomorrow, damn shame it looks like it does tho.
The world I mean.
#currenttimes #waitingforgodot #oldage
The playwright who brought Godot to Kashmir
Arshad Mushtaq’s evocative work, shaped by the trauma of life in the Valley, Kashmiri identity and history, has given voice and solace to countless viewers.
#kashmir #ArshadMushtaq #SuYee #theatre #theater #kashmiri #srinagar #SamuelBeckett #WaitingForGodot #arts #militarisation #india
#kashmir #arshadmushtaq #suyee #theatre #theater #kashmiri #srinagar #samuelbeckett #waitingforgodot #arts #militarisation #india
Beckett end game as production of Waiting for Godot canceled after director auditions only male actors.
A play the author and his estate have shut down before for gender-bending casting.
Where do creative rights begin/end in today’s cultural milieu?
Where do creative rights begin/end in today’s changing cultural milieu?
#beckett #gender #waitingforgodot #theatre
Waiting for Merrick Garland is like #WaitingforGodot (and yes, Michael Saler at UC Davis did briefly teach us that play).
Many of the MSNBC legal crowd (Katyal, Weissmann et al) seemed all but certain, as did many in my feed.
I'm happy to be wrong but Garland imo is weak.
#samuelbeckett #waitingforgodot #sartre #noexit #godot
Happy Anniversary! A play near to my heart. Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot changed the rules of twentieth-century theatre. Written in French, En Attendant Godot premiered in Paris, France, at the small Théâtre de Babylone on 5 January 1953, 70 years ago today.
#BATtheatre #WaitingForGodot #Theater #HappyAnniversary #70YearsAgoToday
#70yearsagotoday #happyanniversary #theater #waitingforgodot #battheatre
Will the Teo Macero documentary ever be done?
Will the Creed Taylor documentary ever be done?
Will the Moondog documentary ever be done?
@clearing_fog This⤵️ should have clued gov't officials that #Muskrat was trolling them:
"An aide to Mr. [MD Gov Larry] Hogan toured a parking-lot test site at the company’s then-headquarters near Los Angeles International Airport [in 2017], getting a look at a tunnel-boring machine the company 👉 purchased secondhand. Boring named it Godot👈 , the title character in Samuel Beckett’s play about a man who never shows up."
RT @PaulMorstad@twitter.com
Currently on display @GalerieYoun@twitter.com in Montreal, opening on now.
The Cartesian Centaur
#samuelbeckett #andrethegiant #whitestork #pollardwillow #waitingforgodot… https://www.instagram.com/p/BnexOBOlgYR/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1lsx6rvdmldzh
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PaulMorstad/status/1038544516259692544
#samuelbeckett #andrethegiant #whitestork #pollardwillow #waitingforgodot