Oh and add to that the anxiety of waiting for surgery that’s not going to happen for at least another couple of hours, maybe four …
#actuallyautistic #anxiety #waitingmode
Sometimes God doesn't let something because we're not ready for it yet. We still have some growing to do.
#WaitingMode #SpiritualGrowth #SpiritualFormation #Christian #Christianity
#waitingmode #spiritualgrowth #spiritualformation #christian #christianity
Today was kind of weird, like everything felt minorly but relentlessly off-kilter. I had an appointment scheduled for 4:30 and an insurance repair crew coming "some time this afternoon" so #adhd #WaitingMode was in full force. I thought the insurance crew had arrived, but it was a truck that just drove up and then left again, and then our wood guy showed up unexpectedly and started unloading firewood. Still no insurance crew by the time I had to leave.
My fellow #ADHD folk know #WaitingMode, eh? When something starts Later, but you're unable to do anything before it because then you'll somehow manage to miss the thing.
It's 9:15 and I'm waiting for mom's 8am caregiver to arrive so we can change her. I'm waiting to eat, waiting to drink, can only do distractions. My brain is exploding inside.