Sad to learn Alan Arkin has passed. The versatile Oscar / BAFTA / Tony Award-winning actor played a range of comic and dramatic roles, including Inspector Clouseau, Freud and J.D. Salinger, but was also a prolific author, singer, musician, screenwriter and director. Unforgettable (and pictured) as the sinister Roat in #WaitUntilDark (1967), fond of disguises as he stalks the blind Audrey Hepburn with a switchblade named Geraldine.
#waituntildark #alanarkin #rip #inmemoriam
Henry Mancini 映画「暗くなるまで待って」 Wait Until Dark
#HenrryMancini #henrymancini #WaitUntilDark #オードリー・ヘップバーン #映画 #暗くなるまで待って
#henrrymancini #henrymancini #waituntildark #オードリー・ヘップバーン #映画 #暗くなるまで待って