With the relevation that panelists can have non-integer scores at the start of the Lightning Fill-in-the-Blank segment from #WaitWaitDontTellMe shows back in 1998, I had to update the #WaitWait Stats library and family of applications. I've provided some details and links to the new versions in a new blog post.
Wait Wait Stats Update: Decimal Scores Part Two
#waitwaitdonttellme #waitwait #waitwaitstats
I have finished listening to almost every episode of #WaitWait from January 1998 through the end of July 1998. I'm still missing the audio file for May 23, 1998 and hope to get it from the archives in the coming weeks.
It's interesting to see how they tweak the format of each show and some of the segments, including when segments like Not My Job and Lightning Fill-in-the-Blank make their debuts.
If you would like to browse through the shows, notes and other tidbits that I've collected, they are now available at: https://stats.wwdt.me/shows/1998/
I have taken and uploaded photos of notes I've written down for each show that I've listened to on Flickr. The first photo from the 1998 shows starts at: https://flickr.com/photos/questionlp/53112167140/in/album-72157718939162790/
#waitwait #waitwaitdonttellme #waitwaitstats #publicradionerd
I've published a fix for a regression in one of the routes for a view in the #WaitWaitStats Graphs site due to a silly mistake.
Release notes: https://github.com/questionlp/graphs.wwdt.me_v2/releases/tag/v2.3.1
Site: https://graphs.wwdt.me
The new versions of the #WaitWait Stats Page, API, Graphs and Reports sites have been published and migrated to a new server.
The new versions add support for non-integer panelist scores across the board.
Stats Page: https://stats.wwdt.me
Stats API: https://api.wwdt.me
Graphs: https://graphs.wwdt.me
Reports: https://reports.wwdt.me
#waitwait #waitwaitdonttellme #waitwaitstats
As part of the sweeping updates that I'm making to the #WaitWaitStats sites, I am also migrating the site from one cloud provider to another.
In doing so, it's nice to have a server named in honor of Carl Kasell again.
#waitwaitstats #waitwaitdonttellme #waitwait
I have published a new blog post that provides an overview of the changes to the #WaitWaitStats projects that I have been working on to support decimal (non-integer) panelist scores.
While the code has been published for the Stats library, API, Graphs, Reports and Stats applications, I have not published the new versions to production yet. I hope to do so in the coming week.
Blog Post - Wait Wait Stats Update: Decimal Scores
#waitwaitstats #waitwaitdonttellme #waitwait
I have published a new blog post that provides an overview of the changes to the #WaitWaitStats projects that I have been working on to support decimal (non-integer) panelist scores.
While the code has been published for the Stats library, API, Graphs, Reports and Stats applications, I have not published the new versions to production yet. I hope to do so in the coming week.
Blog Post - Wait Wait Stats Update: Decimal Scores
So I hear that early #WaitWaitDontTellMe episodes like having non-integer points for panelists scores. Well, I'm just starting to work on supporting non-integer scores in the #WaitWaitStats database and applications. It'll probably be a little while before it's ready for production.
#waitwaitdonttellme #waitwaitstats
I'm so glad that half-points are no longer a thing on #WaitWaitDontTellMe
#waitwaitdonttellme #waitwaitstatspersonproblems #waitwaitstats
Well, now I have to deal with half points for panelist scores for the #WaitWaitStats database and applications ☠️
New Blog Post: Wait Wait Shows From 1998 to 1999
#waitwaitdonttellme #waitwait #waitwaitstats
@vwbusguy I switched to MariaDB for the better cluster options (which I never got around to implementing) and because it wasn't Oracle.
That said, the switch back to MySQL is temporary as I'm looking to migrate to PostgreSQL for the next major version of #WaitWaitStats libraries and apps (along with migrating stuff to use SQLAlchemy ORM).
New Blog Post!
Wait Wait Stats Updates: June 2023
#waitwaitstats #waitwaitdonttellme
I really wish I knew a lot more about frontend stuff when it comes to using and customizing frameworks. As such, it took me way too long to even get to a semi-workable custom.scss for Bootstrap 5.3.
nb: I am looking at migrating my #WaitWaitStats web app from Materialize 1.x to Bootstrap 5.3; as, migrating from Materialize 1.x to 2.x will have to deal with a lot of breaking changes. I'd rather switch to a framework that actually has some decent ongoing development behind it.
Version 2.0.9 of the wwdtm Python Library has been published. I will be working on updating the Stats Page and Stats API to use the updated library in the coming week.
#python #waitwaitdonttellme #waitwaitstats
Some minor updates to the #WaitWait Stats, Graphs and Reports sites have been published, primarily to update CSS framework versions to the latest stable versions.
Wait Wait Stats Updates: March 2023
#waitwait #waitwaitdonttellme #waitwaitstats
Blog Post: Wait Wait Stats Infrastructure Update
#waitwaitstats #waitwaitstatspage
Blog Post: Wait Wait Stats Infrastructure Update
"Over the past couple of weeks, I have been looking at ways to simplify the infrastructure that hosts the Wait Wait Stats Page and related sites."
Read more at: https://blog.linh.social/2023/01/23/wait-wait-stats-infrastructure-update/
#waitwaitstats #waitwaitstatspage