Was just reminded of my most bizarre academic experience ever. In undergrad in Hungary.
Nationally famous professor of psychology, to me: "I know you don't sacrifice people any more, but you used to, right? Like in the Middle Ages? Actually, I'm fine with Jews sacrificing people as long as it's consensual! I'm a liberal!"
#jewish #Mazeldon #antisemitism #waitwhat #psychology
Looking at new PS5 releases on Metacritic and -
"Explore Olathe and unmask its twisted secrets with LISA: The Definitive Edition"
Really amusing if you are from Northeast Kansas.
#kansas #videogames #psn #waitwhat #olathe
Newspapers of yore remain a treat, if one that occasionally elicits a "wait, *what*?"
It is kind of entertaining seeing a youth subculture from a hundred years ago draw the same ridiculously hyperbolic ire that the Millennials, However We Currently Define Them, Are Bad industry of the twenty-first century produces.
This seems to have gotten enough traction to appear in several newspapers around the US that week.
This sounds totally made up, but I ordered a book about missing objects and it was LOST IN THE MAIL 😱😱😱
Another for the #waitWhat files...
> The #DalaiLama apologizes for asking a young boy to suck his tongue
>> In #Tibet sticking out one's tongue is known as a traditional greeting, ... Tongue-sucking does not appear to be part of the tradition.
Another for the #waitWhat files...
If you run #OSX, you have the #bitcoin whitepaper in your hard drive by default
open /System/Library/Image\ Capture/Devices/VirtualScanner.app/Contents/Resources/simpledoc.pdf
Weird #KSLeg moment, what does this piece of legislation even mean?
(I'm guessing the governor will veto it, but what is even being proposed here?)
Great writeup of something both nonsensical and hurtful from the @lawrencekstimes -
#ksleg #intersex #cissexism #waitwhat #bathroombans #kansas #lfk
Here come the answers to our strange and fascinating Purim quiz, for your entertainment before Shabbat...!
If you missed the quiz, you can find it here:
#Jewish #Mazeldon #Purim #Passover #WaitWhat #quiz #JewishBooks #Bookstodon
#jewish #Mazeldon #purim #passover #waitwhat #quiz #jewishbooks #bookstodon
So, I woke up from a dream in the middle of the night last night wondering what on earth is wrong with my brain.
I dreamt that one of the members of the Board of Trustees at work took all my shelves.
Seriously took all my shelving and put everything on the floor.
Mind you, I work for a library system.
We had our quarterly family birthday dinner tonight at my Dad's.
Someone had mentioned something about seeing #ducks on the river, to which my 7 year old #nephew piped in:
"You guys, ducks aren't real."
He wasn't goofing off either, he meant it. He said that we imagine them because we expect them to be around.
Where do they get this stuff?!
#ducksarenotreal #waitwhat #KidsSayTheDarndestThings
#ducks #ducksarenotreal #kidssaythedarndestthings #nephewsarethebest #foozma73 #waitwhat #nephew
I recently scrolled back through my #Instagram archive and was reminded of that time about 5 years ago when I was at a hotel in Utah traveling for work when I witnessed this vending machine.
Questions still remain.
Including why the Root Beer roulette.
#instagram #vendingmachine #soda #photography #waitwhat
I’m sitting in a costa, headphones in. I took them out for a second and overheard a guy saying “anyway he was probably too drunk to even bring the elephant to me” - and I really wish I’d heard the rest of that conversation.
#overheard #conversation #Elephants #waitwhat