Shommel · @shommel
11 followers · 49 posts · Server

"Hey Pete!"
"Haben Schweden lockige Pinsel?"

#haxko #haxkoleaks #wakeword

Last updated 1 year ago

apfeltalk :verified: · @apfeltalk
624 followers · 591 posts · Server

„Siri“ Wakeword startet zuerst auf Englisch
Mit iOS 17 macht Apple den ersten Schritt, um mit Konkurrenten wie Amazon's Alexa mitzuhalten. Leider startet das neue Wakeword "Siri" zuerst nur auf Englisch.
"Siri" statt "Hey Siri"
Ab iOS 17 wird das "Hey" zum Aktivieren des Sprachassistenten nicht mehr benötigt. Genau wie bei Amazon's Alexa genüg

#iPad #iphone #News #ios17 #wakeword #beta #siri #englisch

Last updated 1 year ago

Brennan Stehling · @brennansv
96 followers · 1065 posts · Server

Did you know that anyone can license the software that supports "wake words" and make a device respond to spoken phrases? Sensory has supported this functionality for years. You can build your own Echo device that does whatever you want. Just imagine what you could do with it.

“Hey Jarvis, water the garden.”

You train the model it uses to process the audio following the wake word to whatever phrases you choose. At a restaurant tables could have a limited number of phrases for customers to ask for more water or to get the check.

#wakeword #tech #alexa

Last updated 2 years ago