Photovoice as an Act of Agency to Decenter Whiteness in P-12 Classrooms #walden #feedly
3/ and later he points a finer point on it:
"It is a vulgar error to suppose that you have tasted huckleberries who never plucked them. A huckleberry never reaches Boston; they have not been known there since they grew on her three hills. The ambrosial and essential part of the fruit is lost with the bloom which is rubbed off in the market cart, and they become mere provender."
It is Wednesday, August 9th and Stuff has Happened.
A car parked where you're really just not supposed to park a car. Also, Zoom wants to use video of you to train an AI, Ohio voters decisively shut down a bad faith issue, a recap of the Battle of Montgomery, and a few years in the woods.
Today's newsletter:
Watch it here:
Listen to the podcast:
#stuffkeepshappening #Ohio #Zoom #montgomery #walden
“Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of generations and nations.” -- #Thoreau, #Walden, published on this day in 1854.
#Thoreau #walden #bookstodon #litstudies
#OTD in 1854 #Walden was published. Thoreau's journal entry for that day was uncharacteristically brief:
Aug. 9. Wednesday. —To Boston.
“Walden” published. Elder-berries. Waxwork yellowing.
Reading-Racetracks and Self-Graphing on Literacy Performance of Struggling Students With Behavioral Problems #walden #feedly
Case Study Method to Increase Preservice Teachers' Experience with ELL Accommodations and Self-Efficacy #walden #feedly
it’s all Greek to me… and academic writing #walden #feedly
2/ I think—in my humble opinion—of all the people who have been compared to #Thoreau, or whose works have been placed in a lineage traced back to Thoreau and #Walden, Mary Oliver and Annie Dillard both develop and expand his intuitions and ideas better than any. I don't mean to say they are only excellent because of a correspondence to Thoreau, because they are both exemplary in their own right.
@JoshuaHolland. Nice. Also #Thoreau writes in #Walden, "We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake."
We need to witness our own limits transgressed, and some life pasturing freely where we never wander. We are cheered when we observe the vulture feeding on the carrion which disgusts and disheartens us and deriving health and strength from the repast."
It of course reminds me of this passage from #Walden:
"We can never have enough of Nature. We must be refreshed by the sight of inexhaustible vigor, vast and Titanic features, the sea-coast with its wrecks, the wilderness with its living and its decaying trees, the thunder cloud, and the rain which lasts three weeks and produces freshets.
*turning on calendar notifications for my appointment with a beech tree later*
"But no weather interfered fatally with my walks, or rather my going abroad, for I frequently tramped eight or ten miles through the deepest snow to keep an appointment with a beech-tree, or a yellow-birch, or an old acquaintance among the pines." @thoreau
It's a shame that #Thoreau's first book (A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers), the one he was writing while at #Walden pond, gets so little appreciation.
It is a much more difficult read, yes, but one that I appreciate more and more as I get older.
#Thoreau #walden #AmericanLiterature #transcendentalism
#School #shootings have ceased to be #news.
BUT we #must #care.
WE CAN do something.
“…we need never read of another. One is enough. If you are acquainted with the principle, what do you care for a myriad instances and applications?”
Henry David #Thoreau #Walden
#school #shootings #news #must #care #thoreau #walden #gunviolence #guncontrol #guncontrolnow #gunreformnow #violence #schoolshooting #endschoolshootings #children #dosomething
Afternoon stroll around Walden Pond.
#walden #thoreau #Nature #concordma
#concordma #Nature #thoreau #walden
As John Updike said in the introduction to the Princeton edition of "Walden":
"...the book itself risks being as revered and unread as the Bible."