Cathars, Catholics and Waldensians
A look at the The #Cathar View of the Roman Catholic Church and the The Roman Catholic View of the Cathar Church, dealing in detail with Catholic Propaganda and specificall with propaganda concerning #Blasphemy, #Marriage, #Incest, #Homosexuality, #Bestiality, #Contraception, Sexual Equality, Other Sex Crimes, #Vegetarianism, The Natural Order, and #Suicide.
#cathar #blasphemy #marriage #incest #homosexuality #bestiality #contraception #vegetarianism #suicide #medieval #cathars #catholics #waldensians
"Your great-great grandfather wrote a book," my mother used to say, as in "here's someone in the family whose life amounted to something." Luis Jourdan was a farmer and Methodist preacher whose 1901 Compendium of the History of the Waldensians remains the go-to reference books for anybody interested in the original Jourdan tribe.
#writing #ancestors #author #history #waldensians #throwbackthursday
#throwbackthursday #waldensians #history #author #ancestors #writing
As the Reformation developed in France in the first half of the 16th century, there were several episodes of severe repression which preceded the Wars of Religion (1562-1598). These were times of great hardship and oppression against those who embraced Protestant teachings. One notable chapter of persecution took place in the Luberon region of France against the Waldensians (Vaudois), the spiri... #Reformation #Waldensians