Ultrogotha · @rlapotre
87 followers · 2741 posts · Server mamot.fr

RT @chrisdancy
If you think you're angry with now, wait!

Within 3 months she will be:

1. Director at several startups
2. CMO for a health care insurance company
3. Doing 10K speeches at Universities on the success of the pandemic.

Death on her watch was a platform to make millions twitter.com/DecorumManager/sta


Last updated 1 year ago

Political IQ · @PoliticalIQ
120 followers · 1085 posts · Server newsie.social
IT News · @itnewsbot
3198 followers · 258942 posts · Server schleuss.online

Walensky to step down as head of CDC - Enlarge / CDC Director Rochelle Walensky testifying before Congress. (c... - arstechnica.com/?p=1937127 -cov-2

#cdc #covid #biden #policy #science #walensky #pandemic #sars

Last updated 1 year ago

Tech news from Canada · @TechNews
540 followers · 15006 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
Steven Saus [he/him] · @StevenSaus
448 followers · 7899 posts · Server faithcollapsing.com

From 13 Mar: Florida surgeon general wrong on vaccines and bad at his job, CDC and FDA say - Enlarge / Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo speaks at a press conference in Rockledge,... arstechnica.com/science/2023/0 -19 -19-vaccine -effects

#walensky #side #science #ladapo #florida #fda #covid #cdc #califf

Last updated 1 year ago

Tech news from Canada · @TechNews
349 followers · 9536 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
IT News · @itnewsbot
3002 followers · 252580 posts · Server schleuss.online

Florida surgeon general wrong on vaccines and bad at his job, CDC and FDA say - Enlarge / Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo speaks at a press confe... - arstechnica.com/?p=1923678 -19vaccine -19

#fda #cdc #ladapo #califf #florida #science #walensky #sideeffects #covid

Last updated 1 year ago

ChipMcDonald · @chipmcdonald
140 followers · 268 posts · Server lor.sh

I should be working right now, giving , but I'm not:

My 6:30 lesson is out sick. Maybe with "no covid"?

But last week I had 2 students out with . Another who came back from the prior 2 weeks with it, who has a grandchild that had to be hospitalized.

I just got a text from a student's father that his son isn't going to be doing his lesson tomorrow, because they're admitting him to the hospital.

..and earlier today, having to make the obligatory rounds I see 2 people I know _ both in their 30s - died last week. 2 more - in their 30s - are suddenly in the hospital for .

Anti-vaxxers may be quick to point fingers. Maybe it's a coincidence I know 2 people in their 30s that suddenly has kidney failure.

variants going around now are quite vaccine resistant. "Natural immunity" is proven to effectively be nonexistent beyond a just a few weeks, provided you're not the 3 in 5 that will have zero immunity following an infection.

Going into / with no advisement from the , or I think we're reset to the year #2020: no vaccine protection, no immunity - with the added addition of more aggressive AND...

.... nobody is afraid of it or taking any precautions.

counting is artificially low post July 4 changes - and not requiring reporting. With already over 80% capacity, it *may* make the news week after next that the hospitals are in trouble.

People won't talk about it. It's been rendered a non-issue.

But going into January - I think we could see a equal to 2021. Maybe worse. Probably worse.

I've learned trying to proselytize is a waste of energy. I've learned a lot about humans in the past ew years. As usual, my "pessimist" prediction I'll couch by saying "I hope I'm wrong".

If you look me up on , I was one of the first people in 2019 to comment on the ; and comment on what was going to happen.

Given the parameters:

1) vaccine resistant/escaping variants;

2) More aggressive than the Prime variant of 2020;

3) nobody wearing masks, or taking any precautions at all;

4) having the double super spreader events of Christmas/#Hannukah/#holidays and ;

5) large percentage of the population *possibly* having damaged immune response due to prior infection(s),

there is ZERO reason not to expect to be at least as bad as 2021. THESE ARE THE PARAMETERS, and they point to January having possibly the worst ever surge.

No agency is preparing for it, no government organization preparing. No hospital chain as far as I know. There is literally every reason to believe the most tragic side of this, a re-run of 2020 - with the addition of orders of magnitude pre-loading conditions:

Hospitals already in trouble;
People unafraid, and delusional about the consequences.

An added bonus: now has *thousands* of previously banned anti-science jerks promulgating their propaganda over there: as it gets worse, and it's obvious we MUST have , the pushback is going to be deafening.

Much less a

I have been working from home since 2020. But my wife cannot. I don't see how we're escaping this. It's like knowing you're going to be in a war zone in a few weeks, being shelled, and helpless.

BUT IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY! It *never* had to be this way!!

manipulating the ignorantly innocent, for political or financial gain, brought us "here". *There are more sociopath/NPD in the population than officially recognized*. They've seen the elderly die, their family, maybe even their children - and they *literally DO NOT CARE*.

I know I cannot instill intelligence points in the median, convert the true believer to reason. That isn't a social norm at this point is literally mass insanity.

But maybe a remaining angle is having people think in terms of recognizing what is invisible to the neuro typical. Certainly was to me, until events post-2016, past 3 years opened my eyes: there are sociopaths everywhere. Some more obvious than others, some more belligerent/dangerous. They're ironically maybe more outgoing, charismatic, *seemingly likable*: but they do not care about anybody.

In places of power they will not bother to warn of danger, do anything that jeopardizes their station. Whether a media personality, a representative of a health care organization, a politician - if people start considering the premise that "maybe the person you see not wearing a mask, smiling and acting like nothing is wrong, has a reason to be deceptive" a moderate fence-sitting demographic will take the situation more seriously in the coming weeks.

Maybe not. I don't know, I'm just a teacher. I hope I'm wrong, and maybe in a better time my cynicism will change.

#guitarlessons #covid #facebook #kidneyfailure #christmas #holidays #cdc #fauci #walensky #variants #hhs #hospitals #surge #hellsite #wuhan #virus #newyears #january #health #masks #lockdown #sociopaths #maga #masking #guitar #WearAMask #distance #CovidIsNotOver

Last updated 2 years ago

IT News · @itnewsbot
2361 followers · 241140 posts · Server schleuss.online

Respiratory illnesses slam US: “Perfect storm for a terrible holiday season” - Enlarge / An intensive care nurse cares for a patient suffering from re... - arstechnica.com/?p=1902118 -cov-2 -19

#rsv #flu #cdc #ama #virus #cases #science #walensky #covid #influenza #hospitals #sars #infectious #publichealth #hospitalization #respiratoryillnesses

Last updated 2 years ago

IT News · @itnewsbot
1661 followers · 238595 posts · Server schleuss.online

CDC director’s COVID returns as study finds such rebounds shockingly common - Enlarge / Rochelle Walensky, director of the US Centers for Disease Con... - arstechnica.com/?p=1894139 -19rebound -cov-2 -19

#cdc #rebound #covd #science #walensky #paxlovid #sars #publichealth #covidrebound #paxlovidrebound #covid #infectiousdisease

Last updated 2 years ago