@trishgreenhalgh #Chichester's great! Pedestrianised centre, lively street markets, hospital, interesting theatre/museum/gallery, history everywhere, gorgeous cathedral, gardens & parks, trains/buses/canal & short walks to varied countryside - ticks all boxes. #Ely too?
#15MinuteCity #WalkableCity #LivableCity
#chichester #ely #15minutecity #walkablecity #livablecity
One Of The "Genius" Designs Of Penang Sentral
> Contrary of what it is claimed to be, Penang Sentral is NOT a transit oriented development. #penangsentral #transitorienteddevelopment #walkablecity 0:00 Int...
#walkablecity #transitorienteddevelopment #penangsentral
I got to chat with my neighbor up the street today. It was lovely--I complimented her garden, and then she told me all about it and her cat and the wildlife she sees in her backyard. It was so nice.
I want walkable cities so bad.
#urbanism #walkablecity #fifteenminutecity
#fifteenminutecity #walkablecity #urbanism
I think I know were I will be spending my next vacations...
#Japan #Tokyo #Cities #WalkableCity #Urbanism #Mobility #Transportation: "Among rich cities, Tokyo has the lowest car use in the world. According to Deloitte, a management consultancy, just 12 percent of journeys are completed by private car. It might surprise you to hear that cycling is actually more popular than driving in Tokyo — it accounts for 17 percent of journeys, though the Japanese do not make as much of a big deal out of it as the Dutch do. But walking and public transport dwarf both sorts of vehicles. Tokyo has the most-used public transport system in the world, with 30 million people commuting by train each day. This may sound rather unpleasant. You have probably seen footage of the most crowded routes at rush hour, when staff literally push people onto the carriages to make space, or read about young women being groped in the crush. It happens, but it is not typical. Most of the trains I rode were busy but comfortable, and I was able to get a seat."
#japan #tokyo #cities #walkablecity #urbanism #mobility #transportation
All I really want is to live in a walkable city or town.
I recently left my job at SpaceX and with that moved out of Los Angeles. As it was my last time doing this commute, I decided to record the several modes of public transit I would take everyday to get to the office. In this video, I illuminate the inconveniences and even dangers of public transit in Los Angeles.
Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/E3aRJmO5HdA
#urbanplanning #publictransit #trains #bus #losangeles #walkablecity
#urbanplanning #publictransit #trains #bus #losangeles #walkablecity
Just released another video in my series on exploring Los Angeles on foot. In this episode we explore Koreatown, Los Angeles. I show off the neighborhood, talk about the huge real estate development going on in the area, and peruse some of the wacky architecture of the city. Remember to like and subscribe if you enjoy the video 😊
Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/1VXG6Yih7Vc
#losangeles #urbanplanning #architecture #walkablecity #transit
#losangeles #urbanplanning #architecture #walkablecity #transit
The wonderful thing about living within a #WalkableCity is that I can pop over to the grocery store for a bag of limes and an avocado and not have to plan out my week's worth of groceries to make the trip worth it.
I dream of a world with sidewalks wide enough for two mobility device users to pass each other after a snowstorm on trash day #urbanism #walkablecity
#introduction for new server. I moved my anarchist account and I hope this will be the last time. :)
I'm Aidan -- nickname Bird, hence my screenname here: TheBird.
I am a #nonbinary, #queer, #disabled #ScienceFiction #writer. I have #LongCovid, and it sucks. I am still working on diagnoses for other possible chronic illnesses.
I have a second account at Aaidanbird@disabled.social, where I focus on needs of that community there.
Interests: #Anarchism #CommunityCare #MutualAid #Justice #DisabilityJustice, #Antiracism, #LGBTQIA #Accessibility
#CityDesign #WalkableCity #AccessibleCity
#gaming, #GameDesign, #writing #poetry #cartography, #physics, #astronomy, #worldbuilding, #music, #cats, and #art. I draw #maps.
My Elivera world, of which most of my writings are set, is located here: http://www.worldanvil.com/w/elivera3A-the-lost-ones-aidanbird
My Elivera world is a solarpunk world, where I explore various #AntiCapitalist ways of existing. Capitalism has never existed on Elivera and will never exist. A lot of the "nations" of Elivera are run by horizontal democracy and are experiments with collectives (some anarchist in bent and others experiments with communist approach to society).
I keep a database of saved #Covid studies and articles. I update it 2x a month. It's on #notion. I set it up with tags. Link: https://bit.ly/AidansCovidDatabase
#CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #AirFilter #MasksAreAnAccessNeed
I have a SUPER FLUFFY cat named Sgt. Quark Amaya McFluffers. He's my little buddy.
And that's about it. I'm not new to Mastodon by the way. I'm just posting this so I can pin it for others to see.
#introduction #nonbinary #queer #disabled #sciencefiction #writer #LongCovid #anarchism #communitycare #mutualaid #justice #DisabilityJustice #antiracism #lgbtqia #accessibility #citydesign #walkablecity #AccessibleCity #gaming #gamedesign #writing #poetry #cartography #physics #astronomy #worldbuilding #music #cats #art #maps #anticapitalist #covid #Notion #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #airfilter #MasksAreAnAccessNeed
The Globe and Mail today has a story about the 15 minute city idea being a conspiracy to keep people in their neighborhoods. What is this? Do you really think that being able to walk to school/work/shopping/parks is bad? Wrote a book about the concept years ago, in fact. Still stand by it. The Walkable City: From Haussmann's boulevards to Jane Jacobs' Streets #Walkablecity #ClimateChange @vehiculepress https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-edmonton-15-minute-city-protests/
Who knew I lived in a dystopia? If this is dystopia I sure wanna know how paradise looks like
#15MinuteCity #WalkableCity #Malaysia #MYToots #Urbanism
#15minutecity #walkablecity #malaysia #mytoots #urbanism
Whoever came up with the idea of a Fifteen Minute City is an idiot. Here's why:
Ten Minute Town.
1) More walkable
2) more talkable!
#WalkableCity #TownPlanning #Accessibility #Transportation #Waking #Bikes #Buses #Trains #Cars #CarDependency #MixedUse #Quiet
#walkablecity #townPlanning #accessibility #transportation #waking #bikes #buses #trains #cars #carDependency #mixeduse #quiet
I'm Aidan -- nickname Bird, hence my screenname here: TheBird.
I am a #nonbinary, #queer, #disabled #sciencefiction #writer. I have #LongCovid, and it sucks. I am still working on diagnoses for other possible #chronicillness. I have second account at Aaidanbird@disabled.social, where I focus on needs of that community there.
Interests: #Anarchism #CommunityCare #MutualAid #Justice #DisabilityJustice, #Antiracism, #LGBTQIA #Accessibility
#CityDesign #WalkableCity #AccessibleCity
#gaming, #gamedesign, #writing #poetry #cartography, #physics, #astronomy, #worldbuilding, #music, #cats, and #art. I draw #maps.
My Elivera world, of which most of my writings are set, is located here: http://www.worldanvil.com/w/elivera3A-the-lost-ones-aidanbird
My Elivera world is a solarpunk world, where I explore various #AntiCapitalist ways of existing. Capitalism has never existed on Elivera and will never exist. A lot of the "nations" of Elivera are run by horizontal democracy and are experiments with collectives (some anarchist in bent and others experiments with communist approach to society).
I keep a database of saved #Covid studies and articles. I update it 2x a month. It's on #notion. I set it up with tags. Link: https://bit.ly/AidansCovidDatabase
#Introduction #NonBinary #queer #disabled #sciencefiction #writer #LongCovid #chronicillness #anarchism #communitycare #MutualAid #justice #DisabilityJustice #antiracism #lgbtqia #accessibility #citydesign #walkablecity #accessiblecity #gaming #gamedesign #writing #poetry #cartography #physics #astronomy #worldbuilding #Music #cats #art #maps #anticapitalist #covid #notion #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #airfilter #MasksAreAnAccessNeed
Some very nice #walkablecity and #bike infrastructure features in Collingwood, #Melbourne - with some #AccessibleCity features.
Features include:
• raised edge strips indicating a road crossing
• bike lanes
• many parking bays instead of only car bays
• bike repair stations
• painted paving from the POV of each category: pedestrians, cars & bikes
• situated not far from train stations and numerous bus routes
Photos taken on Wellington St, Collingwood.
(ALT tags more info)
#walkablecity #bike #melbourne #accessiblecity
#cyclist #cycliste #walkablecity #walkablecities #publictransporation #bus #train #nocars #fuckcars
#cyclist #cycliste #walkablecity #walkablecities #publictransporation #bus #train #nocars #fuckcars
This seems to have not been on the radar in the ROC. But road safety is a problem everywhere and this is an especially tragic accident. #WalkableCity #Urbanism https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/montrealers-march-for-secure-school-zones-after-ukrainian-refugee-killed-by-car
In the wake of the news that Seattle's cafe streets — permits for using curb space for outdoor dining — are permanent options, can I humbly request that we call them Road Diets https://www.axios.com/local/seattle/2022/12/14/street-cafes-permanent-seattle-vote via @MelissaSantos1@twitter.com #urbanism #seattle #cafestreets #greenways #walkablecity #cities #urbandesign #roads #puns #wordplay #localnews
#localnews #wordplay #puns #roads #urbandesign #cities #walkablecity #greenways #cafeStreets #seattle #urbanism
RT @Jamesmant@twitter.com
Ever wondered what a new #20minuteneighbourhood might look like in #Melbourne?
Sneak preview here, showing a typical neighbourhood centre applying the 20-minute neighbourhood #hallmarks.
Well designed neighbourhood centres are critical in creating a #walkablecity.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Jamesmant/status/1602885725292462080
#20minuteneighbourhood #melbourne #hallmarks #walkablecity
Wirtschaftsausschuss des #staDDrat: Die Änderung des Flächennutzungsplans wegen des geplanten Hypermarkts an der Bremer Straße wurde heute vertagt. Gut so - ein riesiger Einkaufsmarkt mit 1000 Parkplätzen ist überall aus der Zeit gefallen.
#Altstadt #Friedrichstadt #Cotta
#WalkableCity #verkehrswende
#staddrat #altstadt #friedrichstadt #cotta #walkablecity #verkehrswende