Chuck Norris settles $30 million lawsuit against CBS and Sony over 'unpaid #streaming profits' from iconic show Walker, Texas Ranger
#streaming #walkertexasranger #chucknorris
Walker, Texas Ranger: Chuck Norris einigt sich im Rechtsstreit mit CBS #WalkerTexasRanger #ChuckNorris
#walkertexasranger #chucknorris
30 years ago today:
Walker, Texas Ranger
S1E2: Borderline
Walker must help Alex when she is stalked by an ex-convict whom she convicted back in the day.
Airdate: 1993-04-24
#WalkerTexasRanger #ChuckNorris #ClarenceGilyardJr #CBS #TV
#walkertexasranger #chucknorris #clarencegilyardjr #cbs #tv
It's funny seeing re runs of the #LoveBoat guest starring #HulkHogan. He pops up in #WalkerTexasRanger as well. Good character who seems to get around. :spliffroy:
#loveboat #hulkhogan #walkertexasranger
Kevin ASPD, SPD, NPD, & a touch of DPD w/ Grandiose. #walkertexasranger #walker
Only twi types of people that don't like to be touched. Someone who is autistic and someone who was abused. #walkertexasranger #walker
Augusta Walker told his grandma she was being a bitch. Giiiiiiiiirl! Cordell said I'll take care of it. His dad aka Grandpa said you better or I will. #walkertexasranger #walker
Yup it is official Codell walker is dumb as fok. Instead of leaving both of his kid's in jail je chose favorites, and that is some shit a parent should NEVA do. #walkertexasranger #walker
Stella Walker would rather stay stuck in some bumbfuck town thwn go to college. These people exist in and that was who got an illiterate straight white cis gender heterosexual heternormative man in the white house in 2016. And those are the people who voted for him. #walkertexasranger #walker
Shoving the trauma you went through is jut as bad as using alcohol and or drugs to forget it. SIT IN YOUR SHIT FEEL IT AND GET FOKING THERAPY. #walkertexasranger #walker
Stella Walker is dumb as fok she deserves to die. #walker #walkertexasranger
So Cordell is dating the woman who shot his wife baby momma not once but twice?! WTF I hate this show #walkertexasranger
24 years ago today:
Walker, Texas Ranger
S7E12: Lost Boys
Carlos' nephew is in trouble with the law when a gun is found in his room. The gun was used to kill a cop and hidden there by one of his friends.
Airdate: 1999-01-09
#WalkerTexasRanger #MichaelFishman #ChaunceyLeopardi #CBS #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#walkertexasranger #michaelfishman #chaunceyleopardi #cbs #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
23 years ago today:
Walker, Texas Ranger
S8E13: Vision Quest
Temporarily blinded by a bomb, Walker learns to cope while the other Rangers seek out those responsible.
Airdate: 2000-01-08
#WalkerTexasRanger #AdoniMaropis #EndreHules #CBS #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#walkertexasranger #adonimaropis #endrehules #cbs #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
23 years ago today:
Walker, Texas Ranger
S8E13: Vision Quest
Temporarily blinded by a bomb, Walker learns to cope while the other Rangers seek out those responsible.
Airdate: 2000-01-08
#EndreHules #AdoniMaropis #WalkerTexasRanger #ClassicTV #TV #Television
#endrehules #adonimaropis #walkertexasranger #classictv #tv #television
25 years ago today:
Walker, Texas Ranger
S6E13: Tribe
Walker's friend, Reservation Police Chief Sam Coyote has been seeing Nora Shannon, an archaeologist who has been working on the reservation. When he proposes to her she turns him down and things get a little unpleasant between the two of them. Now an oil company that knows that there's oil under the...
Airdate: 1998-01-03
#WalkerTexasRanger #ClassicTV #TV #Television
#walkertexasranger #classictv #tv #television
25 years ago today:
Walker, Texas Ranger
S6E13: Tribe
Walker's friend, Reservation Police Chief Sam Coyote has been seeing Nora Shannon, an archaeologist who has been working on the reservation. When he proposes to her she turns him down and things get a little unpleasant between the two of them. Now an oil company that knows that there's oil under the...
Airdate: 1998-01-03
#WalkerTexasRanger #ClassicTV #TV #Television
#walkertexasranger #classictv #tv #television
#genevievepadalecki and #JaredPadalecki at the Walker panel during #ricomiccon #walker #walkercw #walkertexasranger
#walkertexasranger #walkercw #walker #ricomiccon #JaredPadalecki #genevievepadalecki
#genevievepadalecki and #JaredPadalecki at the Walker panel during #ricomiccon
#walker #walkercw #walkertexasranger
#walkertexasranger #walkercw #walker #ricomiccon #JaredPadalecki #genevievepadalecki
L'acteur américain Clarence Gilyard Jr., connu pour son rôle dans la série "Walker Texas Ranger", est mort à 66 ans #trivette #WalkerTexasRanger