Global News BC: ‘I want justice’: Rally held as B.C. teen’s death remains under investigation #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #CarsynSeaweeddeathlatest #CarsynSeaweeddeath #Carsynteendeath #Duncanteendeath #CowichanTribes #RallyforCarsyn #WalkforJustice #CarsynSeaweed #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #carsynseaweeddeathlatest #carsynseaweeddeath #carsynteendeath #duncanteendeath #cowichantribes #rallyforcarsyn #walkforjustice #carsynseaweed #crime
protests that do not disrupt are pointless
RT @Kia_Meng
The Peaceful Assembly Act is essentially the Policing Assemblies Act in Malaysia
Protest contained in a barricaded location is exactly what the police always wanted
Time to reflect more critically on what forms of protest we want to participate in the days ahead #walkforjustice