Here's the third part of my blog series on building a real life moving castle (as in Howl's Moving Castle). This time I talk about the legs, and machines walking.
#WalkingHouse #TinyHouse #animation #StudioGhibli #HowlsMovingCastle
#howlsmovingcastle #studioghibli #animation #tinyhouse #walkinghouse
This is the second blog post about building a real life walking castle. Here I write about the Calcifer drive - both as an AI and as a power source.
#studioghibli #tinyhouse #howlsmovingcastle #walkinghouse
I promised you a blog post about building a real life walking castle. It ballooned to be five - here's the first one. Enjoy!
#HowlsMovingCastle #WalkingHouse #ghibli #StudioGhibli #robotics
#robotics #studioghibli #ghibli #walkinghouse #howlsmovingcastle
So... yesterday the Ghibli movies were back on Netflix Nordic. My account has had some weird hiccups lately, and I'm not sure if it's a 'me' or a 'them' problem. Anyway, keep your fingers crossed it's still there today, so I can finish writing that blog series on building a walking castle. I'm quite proud of it - turned out to span from interior design to quantum physics.
#HowlsMovingCastle #WalkingHouse #TinyHouse #ghibli #AutonomousVehicle
#autonomousvehicle #ghibli #tinyhouse #walkinghouse #howlsmovingcastle
Let's say someone actually builds a walking castle - what will be their biggest challenge?
(I'll give my 2cents once the poll is over. Please rt for bigger reach - I'm curious what others think!)
#walkinghouse #tinyhouse #ghibli #howlsmovingcastle