#FortSolis - #PC - #Review unter https://www.pcgamehunters.de/2023/08/23/fort-solis/
#Abenteuer #WalkingSimulator #screenshot #screenshots #Video #videos #gameplay #pcgaming #PCGamer #pcgame #pcgames #indiegame #indiegaming #indie
#FallenLeaf #BlackDrakkarGames #DearVillagers
#fortsolis #pc #review #Abenteuer #walkingsimulator #screenshot #screenshots #video #videos #gameplay #pcgaming #pcgamer #pcgame #pcgames #indiegame #indiegaming #indie #fallenleaf #blackdrakkargames #dearvillagers
Free on GOG - The Whisperer https://www.gog.com/game/the_whisperer
Never heard of this one. Has anyone played this?
#free #gratis #gog #games #jogos #indie #survivor #sobrevivencia #walkingsimulator #videogames
#videogames #walkingsimulator #sobrevivencia #survivor #indie #jogos #games #gog #gratis #free
May 3, 2023 - Day 123 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 138
Game: Helpless
Platform: Steam
Release Date: Mar 11, 2023
Library Date: Mar 27, 2023
Unplayed: 37d (1m6d)
Playtime: 32m
Helpless is a third-person walking sim/adventure. You play a child in a post-apocalyptic world. While traveling with your ill mother to an unknown destination, your RV breaks down, and it's up to you to find help.
Helpless is free on Steam, and according to the Steam page, was built by a team of 22 students as their bachelor's degree team project, so I'm not going to judge it too harshly.
Stylistically, I can't really think of anything to compare it to, but it feels very coherent, and well thought out. The sound design is well done (particularly as they don't appear to have had a dedicated sound designer), but the game does feel a little bit linear.
The apocalypse in "post-apocalypse" appears to have been environmental collapse; with desert encroaching on what little of civilisation is left; there are no enemies as such, only the sun.
As you explore for parts to get back on the road, you find yourself darting from shadow to shadow so as to not overheat and die of exposure.
It could have used some tweaks in the UI & gameplay, and it doesn't seem like a long game, but for what it is, and *free*, there's definitely an interesting experience to be had.
Helpless is:
3: OK
#Helpless #WalkingSimulator #Adventure #MastodonGaming #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay
#helpless #walkingsimulator #adventure #mastodongaming #gaming #project365ong #project365 #newplay
Working on a new wind system for Great North Shelter 2
#walkingsimulator #indiegame #horror #gns #greatnorthshelter
#walkingsimulator #indiegame #horror #gns #greatnorthshelter
You can try to go out of the map in the GNS2, but...
#walkingsimulator #indiegame #horror #gns #greatnorthshelter
#walkingsimulator #indiegame #horror #gns #greatnorthshelter
Really tried to enjoy this, but such a missed opportunity. #pcgaming #gamepass #adventuregame #walkingsimulator #somerville
#pcgaming #gamepass #adventuregame #walkingsimulator #somerville
Ok so, my bad: the previous release of Morning Never Comes had a nasty softlock glitch when speaking to NPCs. It's now fixed! Please redownload here at https://skellysoft.itch.io/morning-never-comes 😅 with my apologies!
#AdventureGame #godot3 #godotengine #CyberpunkRPG #cyberpunk #walkingsimulator #madewithgodot #madewithgodot3
#madewithgodot3 #madewithgodot #walkingsimulator #cyberpunk #CyberpunkRPG #godotengine #godot3 #adventuregame
⚠️ ATTENTION! ⚠️ The Morning Never Comes early beta is now released, and free to play!
Explore four locations in various weather conditions, talk to 7 different NPCs, use & abuse goofy draggable physics, interactive computer screens, a basketball mini-game and more! Supports both Keyboard & Mouse and Gamepads.
Have fun and please do leave some feedback!
#adventuregame #godot3 #madewithgodot #indie #lowpoly3d #lowpoly #walkingsimulator #cyberpunk #indiegamer
#indiegamer #cyberpunk #walkingsimulator #lowpoly #lowpoly3d #indie #madewithgodot #godot3 #adventuregame
#SeasonALetterToTheFuture - #PC - #Review unter https://www.pcgamehunters.de/2023/02/01/season-a-letter-to-the-future/
Durch die Welt reisen, Fotos und Tonaufnahmen machen und auf das Ende der Welt hoffen, klingt für euch nach Spaß? Dann ist Season genau euer Spiel, mehr erfahrt ihr im Test.
#Abenteuer #WalkingSimulator #Fahrrad #Reise #test #tests #screenshot #screenshots #Video #videos #gameplay #pcgaming #PCGamer #pcgame #pcgames #indiegame #indiegaming #indie
#seasonalettertothefuture #pc #review #Abenteuer #walkingsimulator #fahrrad #reise #test #tests #screenshot #screenshots #video #videos #gameplay #pcgaming #pcgamer #pcgame #pcgames #indiegame #indiegaming #indie #scavengersstudio
#TitanStation - #PC - #Review unter https://www.pcgamehunters.de/2022/12/21/titan-station/
Titan Station ist eines dieser Spiele die einen einfach nur Umhauen, man merkt wie viel Mühe da ein einzelner Entwickler investiert hat. Die Story ist gut, das Hackerspiel lockert die kurze Spielzeit auf, mehr erfahrt ihr im Test.
#Abenteuer #WalkingSimulator #AlternativeVergangenheit #StoryDriven #test #screenshot #screenshots #Video #videos #gameplay #pcgaming #PCGamer #pcgame #pcgames #indiegame #indiegaming #indie
#titanstation #pc #review #Abenteuer #walkingsimulator #alternativevergangenheit #storydriven #test #screenshot #screenshots #video #videos #gameplay #pcgaming #pcgamer #pcgame #pcgames #indiegame #indiegaming #indie #joakimlarsen
@WoozleWuzzle Connor Sherlock's walking sims are cool.
Eidolons has very minimal survival (avoiding a few animals, getting to berries & water every few days) and an extensive journal to collect.
Moshe Link & Valerie Dusk on itch.io make some good weird/creepy/WTF did I just play walking sims.
Tour De Jeux: A weird ride with a walking simulator on wheels - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/tour-de-jeux-a-weird-ride-with-a-walking-simulator-on-wheels #TomvandenBoogaart #walkingsimulator #SokpopCollective #Indiescovery #BirdSnapper #TourdeJeux #Freegames #bikes #Indie
#tomvandenboogaart #walkingsimulator #sokpopcollective #Indiescovery #BirdSnapper #TourdeJeux #freegames #bikes #indie
The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe
Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe announced… in 2018
Now finally has a release date, 4/27!
One of my favorite videogames(?) of all time. It's literally wandering hallways of an abandoned office. And then not. And then there's some narrative about what games are. There's no point, because nothing has any point, life is meaningless and we just
#StanleyParable #videogames #walkingsimulator
Nou #anàlisi al nostre web! #EverybodysGoneToTheRapture, és esbudellat per @SenyorTuitstar. Un #walkingsimulator que ens posa la pell en una situació postapocalíptica misteriosa i particular.
#videojocs #PlayStation4 #PS4 #PC #Windows #SteamPlayProton #SteamPlay #Linux
#anàlisi #EverybodysGoneToTheRapture #walkingsimulator #videojocs #playstation4 #ps4 #pc #windows #SteamPlayProton #steamplay #linux
.@SenyorTuitstar torna a la càrrega amb un altre excel·lent article. #TheTownOfLight és un realista #WalkingSimulator que ens posarà en la pell d'una dona ingressada en un psiquiàtric de la Itàlia de Mussolini.
#videojocs #LKA #PS4 #XB1 #Windows10 #VR
#TheTownOfLight #walkingsimulator #videojocs #lka #ps4 #xb1 #windows10 #vr
Videogame Exploration
Into the Black: On Videogame Exploration
Which I've brought up many of these before, but Proteus, Dear Esther, and Bernband especially, everyone should play. I've played and enjoyed most of Connor Sherlock's sims, but they're ~50% half-broken and all very similar to each other; but still great art pieces you can explore.
I need to play Obsolete, it seems.
And more recent
Yes my quarantined friends, Walking Simulation is a thing.
And it's free to play.
#walkingsimulator #walking #cabinfever
#walking #cabinfever #walkingsimulator
Red Desert Render is inspired by a Red Dead Redemption 2 glitch - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/Qif_xAXfUIA/ #walkingsimulator #FreePCGames #IanMacLarty #PCGameNews #freegames
#walkingsimulator #freepcgames #ianmaclarty #pcgamenews #freegames
Places returns with a new walking simulator Sketch - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/Z2OnWvIwl30/ #walkingsimulator #FreePCGames #PCGameNews #freegames #Places #jlv
#walkingsimulator #freepcgames #pcgamenews #freegames #places #jlv
Peak Bleak Blues (and other moods) offers nine new places to wander from Connor Sherlock - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/XcVQrMGOulA/ #walkingsimulator #ConnorSherlock #PCGameNews
#walkingsimulator #connorsherlock #pcgamenews