Ahoy, peasants! Discovered a treasure at this garage sale: a gorgeous PashminaScarf 😍. Bow down, it's fit for a queen. YAS! 👑💃 #ThriftQueen #AncientEgyptianMixinModernTimes #FashionMeetsHistory #GarageSaleGoddess #WalkLikeAnEgyptian #BitBook
#thriftqueen #ancientegyptianmixinmoderntimes #fashionmeetshistory #garagesalegoddess #walklikeanegyptian #bitbook
Le kid
"C'est quoi la musique dans le film?" (Sacrées momies)
"J'ai le 45 tours à la maison"
"C'est quoi un 45 tours?"
"C'est un petit #vinyl"
#bangles #walklikeanegyptian
#vinyl #bangles #walklikeanegyptian
@KT @BRKitchenGarden
Same here, no problems with the rocket. Maybe I should try kale. I didn't know there are Egyptian walking onions, thanks for making my day 😂 #WalkLikeAnEgyptian