Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Jason Aldean's 'Try That in a Small Town' Is the 2nd Most Popular Song in the Country #Jezebel #entertainmentculture #trythatinasmalltown #columbiatennessee #kylerittenhouse #marshablackburn #giselebundchen #cillianmurphy #petedavidson #jasonaldean #ravensymone #danielpenny #henrychoate #irinashayk #kekepalmer #chickfila #tombrady #jungkook #wallen #symone #raven
#jezebel #entertainmentculture #trythatinasmalltown #columbiatennessee #kylerittenhouse #marshablackburn #giselebundchen #CillianMurphy #petedavidson #jasonaldean #ravensymone #danielpenny #henrychoate #irinashayk #kekepalmer #chickfila #tombrady #jungkook #wallen #symone #raven
Amsterdam wants prostitutes out, locals fear they will be next.
The Dutch capital wants to move its renowned red-light district to the outskirts in the hope of alluring new residents. Residents fear they may be the next evicted.
#Netherlands #Amsterdam #RedLightDistrict #Wallen #Prostitution #SexWork #Tourism #OverTourism
#Overtourism #tourism #sexwork #prostitution #wallen #redlightdistrict #Amsterdam #Netherlands
Original toot date: 17 March, 2023
#FlashbackFriday - Black Saturday Bushfires.
Back in 2009, Victoria suffered one of the most significant bushfires it had seen to date...I signed up to volunteer at a donation centre in Wallen...there is always that one interaction that sticks with you. For me, it was a mum who had come in with her toddler.
This woman...pulled me into an embrace and cried softly into my shoulder so that her child could not hear her.
We do not need to know someone to help them. We do not need to experience their trauma to sympathise with them. We do not need to understand them to be there for them. We do not need to have anything in order to give.
When we start seeing what the community can do for us and stop seeing what we can offer to our community, the community loses something special. We all have the ability to make our world a little better for our community. Will you share your time, your heart, your smile with your community?
*The photo below was the certificate sent to me by the Mayor of Whittlesea. I didn't know I was getting it, nor did I expect to receive it and though I am grateful for the recognition, I am more thankful that I was given the opportunity to help others and feel like I was really doing something that mattered to the community.
#community #communitysupport #communityspirit #communitymatters #communityfirst #communityassistance #communitygiving #BlackSaturday #bushfires #wallen #whittlesea #WeAreBrimbank
#flashbackfriday #community #communitysupport #communityspirit #communitymatters #communityfirst #communityassistance #communitygiving #blacksaturday #bushfires #wallen #whittlesea #wearebrimbank
Blowverbod #Wallen van start: houden toeristen zich eraan
Over vroegere #sluitingstijd op de #Wallen in #Amsterdam en #Erotisch centrum. Er was gisteren tijdens de commissiebehandeling een mooie demo. En Dinah Bons, onze fractievoorzitter heeft goed kunen dudielijk nmaken dat huidgie plan een oplossing is voor precies geen enkel probleem. De burgemeester is geïnteressseerd. Op naar de volgende ronde!
#sluitingstijd #wallen #amsterdam #erotisch
Right now, #Bernstein #Copland #Wallen and nine micro-operas from #London #wch
#bernstein #Copland #wallen #london #wch
In 15 minutes, #Bernstein #Copland #Wallen and nine micro-operas from #London #wch
#bernstein #Copland #wallen #london #wch
Today, #Bernstein #Copland #Wallen and nine micro-operas from #London #wch
#bernstein #Copland #wallen #london #wch
#FlashbackFriday - Black Saturday Bushfires.
Back in 2009, Victoria suffered one of the most significant bushfires it had seen to date...I signed up to volunteer at a donation centre in Wallen...there is always that one interaction that sticks with you. For me it was a mum who had come in with her toddler.
This woman...pulled me into an embrace and cried softly into my shoulder so that her child could not hear her.
We do not need to know someone to help them. We do not need to experience their trauma to sympathise with them. We do not need to understand them to be there for them. We do not need to have anything in order to give.
When we start seeing what the community can do for us and stop seeing what we can offer to our community, the community loses something special. We all have the ability to make our world a little better for our community. Will you share your time, your heart, your smile with your community?
*The photo below was the certificate sent to me by the Mayor of Whittlesea. I didn't know I was getting it, nor did I expect to receive it and though I am grateful for the recognition, I am more thankful that I was given the opportunity to help others and feel like I was really doing something that mattered to the community.
#community #communitysupport #communityspirit #communitymatters #communityfirst #communityassistance #communitygiving #BlackSaturday #bushfires #wallen #whittlesea #WeAreBrimbank
#flashbackfriday #community #communitysupport #communityspirit #communitymatters #communityfirst #communityassistance #communitygiving #blacksaturday #bushfires #wallen #whittlesea #wearebrimbank
ICYMI: Future Starr (NEWS) #Morgan #Wallen's 'One Thing at a Time' Blasts to Over 100 Million US Streakers
Future Starr (NEWS) #Morgan #Wallen's 'One Thing at a Time' Blasts to Over 100 Million US Streakers
RT @pic_amsterdam
Wij zijn kwaad! Het vroeger sluiten van de ramen straks op de #Wallen is niet nodig om overlast te verminderen voor buurtbewoners (waar sommigen van ons ook onder vallen) maar heeft wel degelijk heftige gevolgen voor sekswerkers - ook voor hun veiligheid.
RT @pic_amsterdam
"Mijn mening en mens-zijn volledig genegeerd, gedegradeerd tot ongewenst overlastveroorzakend individu..."
#Wallen #WijHoudenVanDeWallen #Sekswerk #ListenToSexWorkers
#listentosexworkers #sekswerk #wijhoudenvandewallen #wallen
RT @pic_amsterdam
"Het stigma op sekswerk resulteert in beslissingen die in strijd zijn met de belangen van de sekswerkers zelf... Raambordelen geven ons macht, het sluiten van de gordijnen maakt ons kwetsbaar.”
#Sekswerk #Wallen #RLD #EndStigma
#endstigma #rld #wallen #sekswerk
RT @pic_amsterdam
Dus @AmsterdamNL heft nu bij ons reclamebelasting op hun eigen campagneposter die is bedoeld om overlast op de #Wallen te verminderen. Het gaat om de "No photos or filming of the sex workers" poster. Dat is toch bizar?!
@d66amsterdam @GroenLinks020 @pvda_amsterdam