@countcol Like my next-door neighbor to the north of me.
Oh boy,
another reason I silently dropped my #WallFlower status.
@NightDrake I think we did.
I just had to leave the #BirdSite and the #WallFlower (FaceBook) because they both felt counterintuitive to the way I work.
I honestly have way more clucking roars with yall here;
Pardon a tear or two since my biologic dad passed away last year from CoVid+other complications.
His last pertinent gift:
the Nektar Impact LX61+.
Transistory Project『Wall flower』MUSIC VIDEO 第6弾 https://www.magmoe.com/841485/celebrity/2023-06-28/
#transistory #wallflower #エモい #出口夏希 #山下幸輝 #恋すれ #松木育未 #玉木宏
3/4 The chatter was topical but I think I let my familiarity guard down a bit too much. Before the crowd got really big — I just turn into a #wallflower at that point — I engaged in some chatter with other parents who also arrived early. It was nice having a topic to share. But I might have dwelled too long. Felt #avoided after that. Dialed it back some.
Knowing when the #conversation should continue and when to stop really isn’t easy for me. I don’t see the cues.
#wallflower #avoided #conversation
I love the definition of "#wallflower" as a shy and introspective person.
Do you realize how strong you need to be to actually break through cracks in walls and grow leaves? And then go ahead and bloom into something beautiful?
Wallflowers are nature's kintsugi.