It’s been a colder Spring than in recent years here, making me spend less time in the garden than last year - plus a good third of it is about to be demolished to make way for some new building work. So there’s less happening than I expected at the start of March. But come rain come shine there are one or two plants guaranteed to put on a show with stunning warm colours. This is one - Erysimum or wallflowers - #InMyGardenToday #GayGarden #GayGardener #gardens #SpringFlowers #wallflowers #spring
#inmygardentoday #gaygarden #gaygardener #gardens #springflowers #wallflowers #spring
So I guess we do a hashtag dump on here for introductions? I'm interested in lots of things - ever expanding - but right now #reading lots and learning and exploring my creativity.
My current hot topics
#writing #creativity #blogging #bookreviews
#pkm #knowledgemanagement
#menstrualcycle #periodpower
#wallflowers #introvert #socialanxiety
#contemporarylit #scifi
#embroidery #needleart #threadart
#reading #writing #creativity #blogging #bookreviews #pkm #knowledgemanagement #librarian #obsidianmd #menstrualcycle #periodpower #wallflowers #introvert #socialanxiety #contemporarylit #scifi #startrektng #embroidery #needleart #threadart #womenover30