27th day of #februaryfun #Walloon #lake #petosky #Michigan #lighthouse #pier photo taken in 2019. #LandscapePhotrography
#februaryfun #walloon #lake #petosky #michigan #lighthouse #pier #landscapephotrography
15 Jan 1613: d. Adrian Saravia at #Canterbury #otd - a #Walloon exile theologian & translator for the Authorised Verison [King James] #Bible, he did from Genesis to 1 Kings, & was the only non-Anglophone translator (His monument in #Canterbury cathedral: julia&keld)
#bible #walloon #otd #canterbury
#Numbers 1-10 being similar between #Germanic and #Celtic must've been very useful for #trade.
Proto-Germanic: ainaz twai þrīz fedwar fimfe sehs sebun ahtau newun tehun
Proto-Celtic: oinos dwau trīs kʷetwares kʷenkʷe suexs sextam oxtū nawan dekam (the kʷ became p in Gaulish/Brythonic)
Modern comparison
Eins zwei drei vier fünf sechs sieben acht neun zehn
Un dau tri pedwar pump chwech saith wyth naw deg
Bonus! #Walloon:
On deus trois cwate cénk shijh set ût noû dijh
#numbers #germanic #celtic #trade #german #welsh #walloon #language
And of course, I should add that Walloon is still spoken on a daily basis by older people in a clutch of communities in northeastern Wisconsin, U.S. Never had the chance to talk with those people, but I'd be glad to! #walloon #wisconsin
Walloon is a Romance language that used to be spoken everywhere in the southern part of Belgium. While sometimes described as a dialect of French, it actually is a separate language, albeit a closely related one. Sadly enough, it is classifed as “Definitely Endangered” by the UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger, as most Walloons nowadays are exclusively francophones. There are, however, brave attempts at keeping it alive!
6 Nov 1611: Robert Le Maçon/La Fointaine minister of the #French & #Walloon refugee church #London buried in St Anne Blackfriars #otd
He produced a catechism in #French & #English for his congregation and was a diplomat in #European #Calvinist circles (eebo)
#calvinist #european #english #otd #london #walloon #french