Acabo de hacer un fondo de pantalla para Wallpaper Engine. Os dejo una visualización previa (un TikTok) por si os mola descargarla :D
Y en enlace de descarga:
Se trata de Surtr un Dios de la mitología nórdica. La imagen base está sacada de los Wallpapers que saca Smite, un juego como el lol pero con Dioses
#wallpaper #wallpaperengine #steam #smite
Je découvre que #WallpaperEngine est disponible sous #Android. Il est même possible de le connecter à la version desktop.
@herrkaschke @Goldstarknight @kurth
#WallpaperEngine veterans, where are you?
파일 공유는 7월 15일까지
#honkaistarrail #wallpaperengine
Alors... non ? Ou alors j’ai loupé un crossover inattendu ? 🤔 #wallpaperengine
Are there #FOSS alternatives to #WallpaperEngine that support #Linux? #AskFedi
#askfedi #linux #wallpaperengine #foss
#Matrix code rain wasn't part of the original #Minecraft Plus! but I thought it'd look cool anyways.
#matrix #minecraft #wallpaperengine #javascript #pixijs #wallpaper
I should start posting things I'm doing right now: Currently I'm working on a clone of *Minecraft Plus!* in JavaScript so I can add arbitrary resource pack loading and some other cool stuff! Images have descriptions when appropriate. Screenshots attached: #MineCraft #WallpaperEngine #JavaScript #PixiJS
#minecraft #wallpaperengine #javascript #pixijs
My latest #WallpaperEngine art is for A Plague Tale - good enough, but might improve one day
📬 Mit Steam gegen Chinas Porno-Zensur
#Internet #MITTechnologyReview #NSFW #Steam #Steamchina #WallpaperEngine #Zensur
#zensur #wallpaperengine #Steamchina #steam #nsfw #MITTechnologyReview #internet