#Earthquake (#sismo) M2.6 strikes 13 km S of #Walsenburg (#Colorado) 45 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1549875
#earthquake #sismo #walsenburg #colorado
Anyone planning on attending and live-tooting the #Here4TheKids sit-in in #Denver tomorrow? Show yourselves so we can boost you!
#Uspol #GunControlNow #GunViolence #GunControl #2a #repeal2a #FuckYour2A #Colorado #CO #ColoradoSprings #PagosaSprings #Durango #FortCollins #FortCarson #BreckenRidge #Alamosa #Pueblo #Trinidad #Walsenburg #DelNorte #DenverCO #GunLobby
#here4thekids #denver #uspol #guncontrolnow #gunviolence #GunControl #2a #repeal2a #fuckyour2a #colorado #co #coloradosprings #pagosasprings #durango #fortcollins #fortcarson #breckenridge #alamosa #pueblo #trinidad #walsenburg #delnorte #denverco #gunlobby
Anyone planning on attending and live-tooting this event? Show yourselves so we can boost you!
(Sorry, forgot #Uspol tag)
#GunControlNow #GunViolence #GunControl #2a #repeal2a #FuckYour2A #Colorado #CO #Denver #ColoradoSprings #PagosaSprings #Durango #FortCollins #FortCarson #BreckenRidge #Alamosa #Pueblo #Trinidad #Walsenburg #DelNorte
via @heidilifeldman
#uspol #guncontrolnow #gunviolence #GunControl #2a #repeal2a #fuckyour2a #colorado #co #denver #coloradosprings #pagosasprings #durango #fortcollins #fortcarson #breckenridge #alamosa #pueblo #trinidad #walsenburg #delnorte
Anyone planning on attending and live-tooting this event? Show yourselves so we can boost you!
#GunControlNow #GunViolence #GunControl #2a #repeal2a #FuckYour2A #Colorado #CO #Denver #ColoradoSprings #PagosaSprings #Durango #FortCollins #FortCarson #BreckenRidge #Alamosa #Pueblo #Trinidad #Walsenburg #DelNorte
via @heidilifeldman
#guncontrolnow #gunviolence #GunControl #2a #repeal2a #fuckyour2a #colorado #co #denver #coloradosprings #pagosasprings #durango #fortcollins #fortcarson #breckenridge #alamosa #pueblo #trinidad #walsenburg #delnorte
Last Saturday I bought $100 in propane. Well, the technician didn't close the bleed valve all the way, and now my propane is gone. I went back to let them know. "Nothing we can do about it. Sorry."
That's the customer service you can expect from Dakota Campgrounds in #Walsenburg #Colorado - their campground is scary af, and the beautiful, maintained state park 10 miles down the road is open year round for about the same price. Stay there instead. #RVLife #rv #camping #NameAndShame
#walsenburg #colorado #rvlife #rv #camping #nameandshame