"Where Walter Benjamin claims that, since history is written by the victors, every document of civilisation is a document of barbarism, Graeber and Wengrow seek to re-write certain foundational documents. However, while Benjamin writes against the grain in the name of the oppressed, the proletariat, Graeber and Wengrow appear to do so in the name of ‘freedom’."
#history #anthropology #WalterBenjamin #DavidGraeber #DavidWengrow #freedom #civilisation
#danielzola #history #anthropology #walterbenjamin #davidgraeber #davidwengrow #freedom #civilisation
I have often paraphrased something that #WalterBenjamin said, that the law itself exists only to protect those in power. Marry that with #VáclavHavel’s notion of a consumerist driven post-totalitarianism and we arrive at the reality of our present moment. The parts that are all filled in are those individuals’s whose God is their salary. God is an unwritten god. God is bigger than what one can find in a book. #theology #philosophy #ClimateChange #law #totalitarianism #capitalism
#walterbenjamin #vaclavhavel #theology #philosophy #climatechange #law #totalitarianism #capitalism
Ein „sonderbares Gespinst aus Raum und Zeit: einmalige Erscheinung einer Ferne, so nah sie sein mag“. #WalterBenjamin Selfie im Spiegel oder ein Ölbild das #AlbertBitzius beim Verfassen eines neuen Romans im Garten zeigt - den Laptop im Schoß. Ein wenig beunruhigend, wie leicht es fällt, Abbildungen unserer Kunden per prompt zu erzeugen, die im Stil einer Epoche und einer #Künstlerpersönlichkeit gehalten sind.
#Midjourney #AI #paginaDH
#walterbenjamin #albertbitzius #kunstlerpersonlichkeit #midjourney #ai #paginadh
Just seeing if it works to put hashtags in comments to make a post searchable by hashtag? #bookstodon #tbr #bookshelf #books #bibliophile #CurrentlyReading #substack #blog #WalterBenjamin
#bookstodon #tbr #bookshelf #books #bibliophile #currentlyreading #substack #blog #walterbenjamin
I so, so, so often repeat and paraphrase #WalterBenjamin who wrote that the purpose of the law is violence to protect those in power. Perhaps I would be more inclined to meditate on Benjamin's many other brilliant thoughts, but I think of that idea specifically almost daily. It doesn't help that the vast majority of the public are such willing participants in the boat and pony show. All day, every day, people are lined up to protect the powerful in spite of their own best interests.
'Cool is implicitly political: “The flaneur with his ostentatious composure protests against the production process” (Walter Benjamin, The Arcades Project.)
'Politics are hot. The politics of cool are outside politics: Cool feels outlaw.'
#cool #culture #art #walterbenjamin #writing
My meditation on cool. It'd be -- well, you know -- if you read it.
"In the midst of socially mediating, I came across the observation, from some generational instance younger than my own, that back in the early 90s people of his kind thought the rock band Steely Dan was uncool.
"I steadied myself. I read on."
#writing #Baudelaire #WalterBenjamin #medieval knights #cultue #cool
#writing #baudelaire #walterbenjamin #medieval #cultue #cool
Societal Progress, Anti-Capitalism, and the Vision for a Culture of Emancipatory Human Rights
#HumanRights #capitalism #culture #TheOrville #KenBooth #SofiaMonsalveSuárez #Decolonize #utopia #WalterBenjamin
#humanrights #capitalism #culture #theorville #kenbooth #sofiamonsalvesuarez #decolonize #utopia #walterbenjamin
Portrait de l’artiste en travailleur. En éboueur.
La bourgeoisie veut juste que ce soit propre et agréable pour elle, dans ses rues le matin ou lorsqu’elle sort le soir. Elle n’a pas envie d’en savoir plus sur tes conditions de travail. Elle n’a d’ailleurs pas particulièrement envie de savoir que tu as une existence en dehors du fait que tu sers à son confort quotidien.
#retrait #retraites #artistes #WalterBenjamin
#retrait #retraites #artistes #walterbenjamin
L’era degli oggetti e dei desideri elettronici naturalizzati https://www.carmillaonline.com/2023/03/19/lera-degli-oggetti-e-dei-desideri-elettronici-naturalizzati/ #soggettivitàmacchiniche #desiderielettronici #intrattenimento #AndréNusselder #GioacchinoToni #ShoshanaZuboff #WalterBenjamin #FélixGuattari #gamification #soggettività #Cyberspazio #videogiochi #Recensioni #smartphone #tecnologia #AlfieBown #desiderio #godimento #digitale #Pokém
#soggettivitàmacchiniche #desiderielettronici #intrattenimento #AndréNusselder #gioacchinotoni #shoshanazuboff #walterbenjamin #FélixGuattari #gamification #soggettività #cyberspazio #videogiochi #recensioni #smartphone #tecnologia #alfiebown #desiderio #godimento #digitale #Pokém
I just realized that if we combine two teachings: that Václav Havel warned post-totalitarianism would centralize consumerism as the method of rule and that Walter Benjamin taught that law is* violence, then we can easily come to the conclusion that *consumerism equals violence*, which is something we see all the time in reports on human rights and climate.
#WalterBenjamin #ViolenceStudies #VáclavHavel #Consumerism #ViolenceResearch #HumanRights #Climate #ClimateChange
#walterbenjamin #violencestudies #vaclavhavel #consumerism #violenceresearch #humanrights #climate #climatechange
Wir freuen uns sehr über das Lob für unseren #tldrPodcast zu #WalterBenjamin und seinem «Passagenwerk» von Maximilian Peukert im duz Magazin (@duzRedaktion).
Zum Podcast: https://www.rosalux.de/mediathek/media/element/1584
Zur politischen Ästhetik des Krieges
und zur "Gewaltstheorie" respektive zum #Rüstungskapital: n0name.de/matzeschmidt/epapers/matzeschmidt-panzermitraubtiername.pdf
#rustungskapital #leopard #ruestung #friedrichengels #walterbenjamin
Misère de la Philosophie - Maelzel (official video)
#misèredelaphilosophie #maelzel #officialvideo #kameh #twentyfourteen #youtube #walterbenjamin #edgarallanpoe #psychedelic #rock #ballad
#miseredelaphilosophie #maelzel #officialvideo #kameh #twentyfourteen #youtube #walterbenjamin #edgarallanpoe #psychedelic #rock #ballad
Our debut album “Ka-Meh” is back on YouTube Music, Spotify, GoogleMusic, Deezer, and other digital platforms. #misèredelaphilosophie #DebutAlbum #kameh #karlmarx #walterbenjamin #paulklee #angelusnovus #psychedelic #rock #youtube #spotify #deezer #googlemusic #digitalplatforms
#miseredelaphilosophie #DebutAlbum #kameh #karlmarx #walterbenjamin #paulklee #angelusnovus #psychedelic #rock #youtube #spotify #deezer #googlemusic #digitalplatforms
Our debut album “Ka-Meh” is back in YouTube Music, Spotify, GoogleMusic, Deezer, and other digital platforms.
#misèredelaphilosophie #DebutAlbum #ka-meh #karlmarx #walterbenjamin #paulklee #angelusnovus #psychedelic #rock #youtube #spotify #deezer #googlemusic #digitalplatforms
#miseredelaphilosophie #DebutAlbum #ka #karlmarx #walterbenjamin #paulklee #angelusnovus #psychedelic #rock #youtube #spotify #deezer #googlemusic #digitalplatforms
Monday's book of the day is:
#photography #history #WalterBenjamin #EduardoCadava
#eduardocadava #walterbenjamin #history #photography
Panzer mit Raubtiernamen
Ein Projekt der Normalisierung
Ein langer thread !
Foto: Panzer mit Raubtiername („Leopard” auf der Rue Royale/Koningsstraat, Brüssel), 2019.
#Leopard, #Panzer, #Waffe, #Waffenproduktion, #Ruestung, #Rüstung, #Deutschland, #WalterBenjamin, #Aesthetik, #Ästhetik
#leopard #panzer #waffe #waffenproduktion #ruestung #rustung #deutschland #walterbenjamin #aesthetik #asthetik
Diritto e paradosso. Su “Diritto e violenza” di Christoph Menke https://www.dinamopress.it/news/diritto-e-paradosso-su-diritto-e-violenza-di-christoph-menke/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=diritto-e-paradosso-su-diritto-e-violenza-di-christoph-menke #WalterBenjamin #MassimoPalma #Benjamin #Cult
#walterbenjamin #massimopalma #benjamin #cult
RT @MattFlisfeder@twitter.com
#WalterBenjamin: "Thinking involves not only the flow of thoughts, but their arrest as well. Where thinking suddenly stops in a configuration pregnant with tensions, it gives that configuration a shock, by which it crystalizes into a monad... 1/2
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MattFlisfeder/status/1237811208406945798