#onthisday in 1935 Geraldine Ferraro was born in #newburgh #NewYork. A 3-term #Congresswoman from #queens she was plucked out of obscurity by #waltermondale to be the first #female major #PoliticalParty #candidate for #vicepresident of the #usa in 1984. A #financial scandal involving her husband’s business doomed her #campaign and #career. She never won another #election. She died in 2011. #history #histodons #newyorkcity #nyc #otd https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geraldine_Ferraro
#onthisday #newburgh #newyork #congresswoman #queens #waltermondale #female #politicalparty #candidate #vicepresident #usa #financial #campaign #career #election #history #histodons #newyorkcity #nyc #otd
I’m a self-styled pragmatic progressive who gets things done and political junkie — not for the horse race, but for action. Some of my heroes include…
#hillaryclinton #tammybaldwin #pattymurrary #kirstengillibrand #KamalaHarris #barneyfrank #maziehirono #jaredpolis #nancypelosi #gretchenwhitmer #patriciatodd #laurenunderwood #sharicedavids #petebuttigieg #lucybaxley #geraldineferraro #annrichards #shirleychisholm #francesperkins #eleanorroosevelt #fdr #waltermondale #patsymink #RBG