“The local organizing around Cop City has been absolutely phenomenal,” she said. “The work that’s being done by the eco-activists and the abolitionists who are coming together and exploring ways in which those struggles are linked, that is actually a precedent for the whole country.”
Good interview with Angela Davis about that award she accepted from and then returned to the City of Atlanta.
#AbolishPolice #PoliceAbolition #StopCopCity #DefendTheForest #AngelaDavis #WalterRodney #ATL #Atlanta
#abolishpolice #policeabolition #StopCopCity #DefendTheForest #angeladavis #walterrodney #atl #atlanta
“There was a period when the capitalist system increased the well-being of significant numbers of people as a by-product of seeking out profits for a few, but today the quests for profits comes into sharp conflict with people’s demands that their material and social needs should be fulfilled.”
#WalterRodney How Europe Underdeveloped Africa
am a fan of many verso titles (esp. the newly released editions of #walterRodney!) but since their latest promotional email is on family abolition, let me drop this line from josé esteban muñoz that i think is important to bear in mind
if you’re shopping the verso sale why not treat yourself to some #WalterRodney?
"the indonesian is the same as the surinamer in holland; the chinese and new guineans have as little chance of becoming residents and citizens in australia as do you and i. the definition which is most widely used the world over is... once you are not obviously white, then you are black and are excluded from power -- power is kept milky white." #WalterRodney
"the indonesian is the same as the surinamer in holland; the chinese and new guineans have as little chance of becoming residents and citizens in australia as do you and i. the definition which is most widely used the world
over is...once you are not obviously white, then you are black and are excluded from power -- power is kept milky white." #WalterRodney
“[M]any years ago at the University of Dar es Salaam, when someone asked how they should know…which textbook they should take up, which one will have a bourgeois view and which will have the capitalist view, I told them that they could go into the library and close their eyes and stick out their hand and the chances are they would have got a bourgeois book…. [J]ust close your eyes, feel around, grab any number of books, and you're dealing with bourgeois worldview.” #WalterRodney
My new #translation will be published tomorrow.
It's the first Brazilian edition of How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, the 1972 study written by #WalterRodney.
@smoke “I felt that somehow being a revolutionary intellectual might be a goal to which one might aspire, for surely there was no real reason why one should remain in the academic world—that is, remain an intellectual—and at the same time not be a revolutionary.” #WalterRodney
i started listening to the cadre journal podcast when they were doing a #WalterRodney reading group and then went back to check out earlier episodes. always really good and the most recent episode with gabriel rockhill is no exception. worth a listen!
@carrideen i thought so but it’s weird: i know there are old posts on .social with the #walterrodney hashtag but i haven’t been able to find them since i switched to bigger6 instance