Where is Babel Rock?
The #USGS #BlueHills #quad #bedrock map and a #Quincy #Massachusetts #historical #map show Babel Rock overlooks a pond from just north of a bend in #Wampatuck Rd. I have been on that rock, and it's #diabase, a #mafic #intrusion into the Quincy #pluton. But the USGS #topographic quad & derivatives e.g. #GoogleEarth show it adjacent to the #BunkerHill #quarry (source of the #granite for the monument in #Boston).
Should a correction be proposed to USGS? Advice welcomed.
#usgs #bluehills #quad #bedrock #quincy #massachusetts #historical #map #wampatuck #diabase #mafic #intrusion #Pluton #topographic #googleearth #bunkerhill #quarry #granite #boston