Jay Robbie · @JayRobbie
40 followers · 88 posts · Server mastodon.art


They actually made a second movie!! 🤯 The first one was awesome!!

The is three hours long and a prequel to the first movie. I've gotten through half of it, and it's great so far, but I have to catch some Zzzz's. If you're a fan of Sci-Fi, you need to see these Chinese movies 👍 Out-of-this-world VFX!

The main premise is that the Sun is going supernova, so mankind builds giant engines on Earth to move it out of the solar system.

#wanderingearth #wanderingearth2 #thewanderingearth2

Last updated 2 years ago

Guillin · @Guillin
277 followers · 134 posts · Server gamepad.club

Watched a movie last night on . It’s a Chinese sci-fi movie called and I have to tell you… It’s absolutely outstanding. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

#netflix #wanderingearth

Last updated 2 years ago

Chris 👈🏻 · @offby1
328 followers · 5911 posts · Server wandering.shop