Okay just so we all know, WanderingEarth2 has an amazing space elevator scene in case you are into that sort of thing.
流浪地球2, The Wandering Earth II (Блуждающая Земля 2), 2023
Русский с китайцем братья на век! Это про персонажей.
А чего мелочиться. Давайте не с планеты летать, а на планете улетим. Да и вообще, вы хоть представляете, сколько стоит боевой планетоид?!
Китай и Нетфликс. Кто не видел первый фильм - смотрите сначала этот, второй. хронологически так правильно
Новый уровень осмысления технологий недалёкого будущего. Да, китайцы и тут оказались "впереди планеты всей". Нет, фантастику снимали и до них, но тут уровень деталей намного более продуман. Это не мультики от DC, и не "чудесные аппараты, работающие силой мысли" из "Дюны".
Первый фильм, в котором орбитальный лифт работает не на божественной силе.
IMdB: 7.0. и да, и нет. Как общая оценка вполне похоже. Средняя температура в больнице складывается из двух честей. Техническая разработка, замысел, и дизайн графики тянет на 8.2-8.5. Помним, что 10.0 бывает только у гипножабы. А вторая половина оценки 3.0 за пропаганду "великой и всезнающей коммунистической партии". Но всё же не так много по времени, чтобы совсем уж всё испортить.
Рекомендую взрослым. Красиво, есть много нового. Да, так выглядит будущее.
Детям скучно. Слишком нравоучительно. Совсем никаких "пиу-пиу, кия-кия". Подвиги только трудовые, бои только за урожай.
#rf #rus #ru #lang_ru #scifi #WanderingEarth2 #TheWanderingEarth2 #БлуждающаяЗемля2 #обзор #2023
#lang_ru #scifi #wanderingearth2 #БлуждающаяЗемля2 #обзор #ru #thewanderingearth2 #rf #rus
I finished watching #TheWanderingEarth2 Saturday night and it was great! 👏 👏 👏
However, I had a kidney stone attack during the end credits and gave birth to one adorable Sara Rose Robbie after four days of labor (holy #%$@, that was that painful!). See how cute she looks in the image.
So, today, I finally got to watch The #WanderingEarth2 end credits scene, and it shed light on the HAL* aspect of the film (from "2001: A Space Odyssey") 👀
*Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer
#wanderingearth2 #thewanderingearth2
I finished watching #TheWanderingEarth2 Saturday night and it was great! 👏👏👏
However, I had a kidney stone attack during the end credits and gave birth to one adorable Sara Penelope Pester after four days of labor (holy #%$@, that was that painful!). See how cute she looks in the image.
So, today, I finally got to watch The #WanderingEarth2 end credits scene, and it shed light on the HAL* aspect of the film (from "2001: A Sapce Odyssey") 👀
*Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer
#wanderingearth2 #thewanderingearth2
#TheWanderingEarth2 👀
They actually made a second movie!! 🤯 The first one was awesome!!
The #WanderingEarth2 is three hours long and a prequel to the first #WanderingEarth movie. I've gotten through half of it, and it's great so far, but I have to catch some Zzzz's. If you're a fan of Sci-Fi, you need to see these Chinese movies 👍 Out-of-this-world VFX!
The main premise is that the Sun is going supernova, so mankind builds giant engines on Earth to move it out of the solar system.
#wanderingearth #wanderingearth2 #thewanderingearth2
#WanderingEarth2 is extremely remarkable, because it's highly modernized in almost every aspects. It's definitively a milestone of sci-fi and movie industry.
#WanderingEarth2 is extremely remarkable, because it's highly modernized in almost every aspects. It's definitively a milestone of sci-fi and film industry.
#wanderingearth2 was good movie. I didn't watch any trailers so I was surprised it was more of a prequel, although it seems to setup a third movie pretty well. I think a lot of the effects need to be seen in a theater though, streaming will not be able to keep up
#WanderingEarth2 is better than the first one, certainly closer to the tone and scale of the book.
Its large scale story is less of a plot and more of a chronology, with characters taking secondary seats to the overall events. It's also a lot less hammy. Book fans will certainly enjoy this one more.
RT @KatieSmithWong@twitter.com
It's a 3-hour-long prequel (not sequel!) to one of the biggest films ever, but #WanderingEarth2 is an insane, jaw-dropping spectacle that demands the biggest screen possible! Review will be up soon!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KatieSmithWong/status/1617270114390360067